Lake Forest Park Water District is giving notice of a public forum to re-establish our Water Use Efficiency Goal.
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 22, @6:30 p.m. at our regularly held Commissioners Meeting
Location: 4029 NE 178th Street, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
Purpose of Forum: To report on the progress of the current water use efficiency goals and to adopt new water use efficiency goals.
Washington State DOH ODW requires the District to establish a customer Water Use Efficiency Goal and to re-establish a customer goal every 6 years through a Water Use Efficiency Goal Setting Public Forum.
Current Demand Side Goal: To reduce average customer usage by .33% per year for a 2% reduction in the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) average consumption over a six year period. Current consumption (prior
to 2017) is 197 Gal/Day/ERU. Average consumption during the goal time period was 184 gallons per day per ERU.
Current Supply Side Goal: Reduce unaccounted water (Distribution System Leakage) to 10% or less.
3 year rolling DSL average is 11.9%.
Proposed goals for consideration:
1) To reduce average customer usage by .33% per year for a 2% reduction in the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) average consumption in gallons over a Six year period from the current ten-year average of 185 gallons per day per ERU.
2) To reduce average customer usage by .5% per year for a 10% reduction in the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) average consumption in gallons over a 20 year period from the current ten-year average of 185 gallons per day per ERU.
3) Reduce unaccounted water (Distribution System Leakage) to 10% or less.
4) Reduce unaccounted water (Distribution System Leakage) to 7% or less.
Consider public comment and the merits of each goal. Listed goals are only suggested and may be changed or edited. Select goals and approve by motion.
Washington State Dept. of Health Records (System ID 40950K)