JANUARY 12, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Counsel; Members of the Staff, Advisory Committee and General Public.
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:02 PM.
New Business:
Mr. Kerley gave a presentation recognizing the accomplishments of the Staff, Advisory Committee and Board of Commissioners during 2020 which included a video of 2020 construction projects prepared by Steve Mundall.
Mr. Kerley presented a service award recognizing Patty Cornaby’s contributions to the District during her employment.
President Hammond presented the 2020 LFPWD Water Protector of the Year Award to Julie Hungar
Discussion and comments followed each presentation.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 PM.
JANUARY 26, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Zehner at 6:01 PM.
A motion was made to excuse Commissioner Hammond from the meeting. Motion was seconded and approved.
Mr. Zehner served as acting President of the Board for the meeting.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on November 4th and 18th, 2020 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Treasurer Donahue also compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on December 2nd and 18th, 2020 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of November 2020 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118099 through 118131 in the amount of $212,366.68 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of December 2020 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Commissioner Zehner noted that an engineering bill appeared to incorrectly charge a cost reimbursement item and requested verification. Approval of vouchers nos. 118132 through 118180 in the amount of $47,255.38 was moved and seconded subject to verification of the questioned cost reimbursement item. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the December 22nd 2020, Regular Meeting and January 12th 2021, Special Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
New Action Items:
Selection of Officers: A motion was made to nominate and elect the following officers for 2021 or until their successors are properly seated: Eli Zehner as President, Bill Donahue as Secretary and David Hammond as Treasurer. Motion was seconded and passed.
Contract Amendment Mundall Engineering: Mr. Kerley presented a contract amendment that he negotiated with Dan Mundall for consideration. A motion was made and seconded to approve the amendment and to authorize the President of the Board to sign on the District’s behalf. After discussion, the motion passed.
Contract Amendment Mundall Technical Services: Mr. Kerley presented a contract amendment that he negotiated with Steve Mundall for consideration. A motion was made and seconded to approve the amendment and to authorize the President of the Board to sign on the District’s behalf. After discussion, the motion passed.
2021 Draft Budget and Revenue Projection: Mr. Kerley presented changes to the Draft Budget. Discussion followed. Mr. Kerley will present options with increases in the monthly capital improvement charge. The budget along with the 2021 Revenue Projection will be presented for final approval at the February Board meeting.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Pumphouse Project Update: This item was covered in the Engineer’s Report. Mr. Kerley stated that a final inspection and redline drawings were needed for project closeout.
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: Mr. Kerley updated the Board on the upcoming planned work and time frame.
Draft Resolution 385: This item will be presented for final approval at the February Board meeting. Mr. Kerley is considering adding flagging and traffic control costs to the service installation section of the resolution.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:57 PM.
New Informational Items:
McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Phase 2: This item, covered in the Engineer’s Report, was discussed in detail including possible scenarios for constructing Phase 2. Mr. Kerley stated that additional financing would be needed if Phase 2 is bid to include all electrical and mechanical components.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that a sub-committee meeting had been held regarding the 4th grade science unit.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached. A mudslide that occurred in the District’s McKinnon Wellfield was discussed in detail. Correspondence regarding the event from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the City of Lake Forest Park is attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Open Discussion:
Mr. Zehner stated that the he attended the WASWD Commissioner’s Workshop held remotely on Jan 22nd and that the event was well attended and worthwhile.
He also stated that he and Mr. Kerley are going to be a present a one-hour class about WD 49 and LFPWD projects at the upcoming Spring Washington Association of Sewer and Water District’s Conference.
Mr. Zehner also informed the Board that he had been elected to an at large position on the WASWD Board of Directors.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM
FEBRUARY 23, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Dan Mundall, Engineer
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:03 PM.
Commissioner Donahue entered the meeting at 6:04 PM.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on January 6th and 20th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of January 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118181 through 118222 in the amount of $48,283.78 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January 26, 2021 Regular Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Resolution 385: This item was presented for final approval. A motion was made for approval and was seconded. Discussion followed after which, the Board determined that the Capital Improvement Charge per Equivalent Residential Unit be set at $26.00 per month. The motion was amended accordingly. Motion, as amended, was approved.
2021 Budget and Revenue Projection: Mr. Kerley presented the final version of the 2021 Maintenance Budget and 2021 Revenue Projection for Board approval. A motion was made for approval and was seconded. After discussion, the motion was approved.
New Action Items:
An Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing with legal counsel potential litigation under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i)(ii) was called by President Zehner at 6:46 PM for approximately 30 minutes. At 7:16 PM the President declared an extension of the executive session for approximately 10 minutes and the executive session continued. At 7:24 PM the executive session was concluded and the regular meeting resumed.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Pumphouse Project Update: This item was partially covered in the Engineer’s Report and discussed in detail. A possible change order was discussed to install a vault for existing conduit to ease future connection. The Board directed staff to move forward with exploring funding options, obtaining permit extensions and preparing bid documents for phase 2 of the project.
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: Mr. Kerley updated the Board on the upcoming planned work and time frame.
New Informational Items:
Open Public Meetings Act and Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington Reopening Plan: Mr. Kerley stated that although public meetings are now allowed, the size of the District’s conference room is not large enough to hold in-person public meetings under Phase 2 of the State’s Healthy Washington Plan.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report:
Adcom meeting minutes from December were provided to the Board. A request for the Water District to support a Community Town Hall on Climate Resiliency in Lake Forest Park was presented. The Board and Mr. Jonson see no issue with this as long as it does not create a cost to the District. Mr. Kerley stated that there is an Adcom sub-committee meeting coming up regarding the 4th grade science unit presentation. Mr. Zehner and the Board extended their gratitude of the Advisory Committee’s efforts.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Open Discussion:
Steve Mundall of Mundall Technical Services gave a summary of a WASWD technology webinar that he recently attended. He also led a discussion regarding recent cyber security breaches that have affected other utilities and municipalities and preventive measures that the District has in place. The Board thanked Mr. Mundall for his timely update.
Mr. Zehner stated that two 4-year term positions for water/sewer district representatives on the Public Works Board are available for interested applicants.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 PM
MARCH 23, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:01 PM.
Approval of Agenda: Mr. Kerley noted an addition to the agenda for the City of Lake Forest Park Culvert L60 project. A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on February 3rd and 17th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of February 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118223 through 118254 in the amount of $32,502.98 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the February 23, 2021 Regular Meeting as amended. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None
New Action Items:
Culvert L60 Replacement Reimbursement Request: Mr. Kerley presented an invoice from the City of Lake Forest Park for the water system improvements constructed for the District by the City’s contractor in conjunction with the City’s culvert replacement project. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to approve reimbursement to the City of Lake Forest Park for the invoice amount. Motion passed.
Customer Request for a Leak Adjustment: Mr. Kerley presented and the Commissioners considered two separate customer appeals for a billing adjustment due mainly to the fact that neither residence was occupied when a leak occurred and therefore, the owners had no opportunity to notice the leaks. He stated that neither request fit the Board adopted leak adjustment policy and he denied the requests. After discussion, the Board noted that in each instance District staff noticed the leak during the meter reading cycle and took appropriate steps to shut off the water and limit property damage, which saved these customers from much larger losses. Mr. Kerley read the policy language. After discussion, the Board sympathized with the owners but concurred that these situations did not meet the criteria for the billing adjustment available for leaks.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Pumphouse Project Update: This item was partially covered in the Engineer’s Report and discussed in detail. Mr. Mundall stated that this phase I project was physically complete and the contractor has submitted its final pay estimate, less retainage. He noted that a vault was added but will be covered by unit pricing in the bid. Mr. Zehner requested that the engineer consider preparing a final change order to reconcile unit priced estimated quantities in the contractor’s bid with final quantities. Mr. Jonson recommended that the District prepare a project closeout resolution for adoption at the next meeting. The Board confirmed management’s authority to process contractor progress payments. Phase II of the project was discussed and the Board directed the engineer and management to proceed with financial plans, contract documents and permit renewals in preparation of a special meeting to be held April 6th or April 13th 2021 for the purpose of developing a project timeline.
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: Mr. Kerley updated the Board on the upcoming planned work.
New Informational Items:
McKinnon Pumphouse Project Phase II Funding: Mr. Kerley presented information and options for funding the project. Discussion followed after which the Board requested that the following be prepared and presented at the next Board meeting: A financial analysis of what effect a new loan or bond would have on other projects listed in the District’s Water System Comprehensive Plan, a final Engineer’s cost estimate for phase II and an update on permitting status.
A motion was made and seconded to make the final payment of $39,096.87 on PWTF 01 prior to requests for proposals on a potential loan. Motion was approved.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Steve Mundall entered the meeting at 7:49 PM.
Open Discussion:
Steve Mundall of Mundall Technical Services gave a overview of the communication provider switchover and the advantages of the new system. The Board thanked Mr. Mundall for his good work.
Mr. Hammond brought up the issue of vacant properties and if the District had a policy in place for charging system buy in charges if a previously connected parcel sits unused or undeveloped for a long period of time.
Mr. Kerley informed the Board of several items that he was working on. He has posted a job opening for a part time field worker, commenced work on the 2021 Plant Exchange Program and had conversations with the LFP Rotary regarding a possible water conservation project.
Mr. Kerley also stated that he has been working with the Dept. of Ecology on water quality testing in the McKinnon Wellfield. Ecology is interested in polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) concentration in the groundwater that enters Lake Washington and has offered to take samples from our shallow wells at no cost.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM
APRIL 13, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Jim Nelson, D.A Davidson
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:00 PM.
Commissioner Hammond entered the meeting at 6:02 PM.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Pumphouse Project Phase II Funding: Jim Nelson of D.A. Davidson gave a Bond Financing Presentation that included funding options and a tentative timeline for a private placement revenue bond. The District’s upcoming capital needs and current debt servicing obligations were discussed in detail. The Board directed the engineer and management to continue analyzing the District’s capital and borrowing capabilities, proceed with plans and contract documents for phase II of the pumphouse project, and provide D.A Davidson with financial information needed for the placement of a revenue bond and to report on the progress at the next board meeting.
Mr. Jonson left the meeting at 6:59 pm.
New Action Items:
Possible Reschedule of the April 27th Regular Board Meeting: Mr. Kerley requested a reschedule of the April Regular Board Meeting due to a scheduling conflict and a request by the Advisory Committee to have the Board review a draft survey regarding climate change prior to the LFP Town Hall on Climate Resiliency that will be held on April 24th, 2021. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to cancel the April 27th 2021, regular board meeting and reschedule it as a special meeting to be held April 22nd 2021 at 6:00 PM. Motion passed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM
APRIL 22, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:00 PM.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:01 PM.
Commissioner Hammond entered the meeting at 6:02 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on March 3rd and 17th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of March 2021 Vouchers:
Commissioners Zehner and Donahue, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118255 through 118289 in the amount of $34,166.15 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the March 23 and April 13 Board meetings were reviewed and edited. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the March 23, 2021 Regular Meeting and April 13th 2021 Special Meeting as edited. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None
New Action Items:
Board Meeting Format: Mr. Kerley presented a format for upcoming Board meetings that would include an optional in-person attendance component of up to four people and provide a phone-in option for contract engineering, legal and the general public. After discussion, it was determined that the District would continue to hold Board meetings in a remote format for the present.
WASWD Section IV Consulting Services: Mr. Kerley presented a request from WASWD for financial participation in funding consultant costs for district representation before King County growth management and wastewater treatment committees. A motion was made and seconded to approve District participation in 2021-2022 funding of the WASWD Section IV Consultant. After discussion the participation amount was set at $175.00. Motion passed.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Pumphouse Project Phase II Funding: Mr. Kerley updated the Board on the progress of a potential 1.25 million dollar private placement revenue bond. Commissioner Donahue presented financial planning documents that he put together that showed the District’s ability to cover the debt service for a new bond. Discussion followed.
Due to internet connection problems, President Zehner exited the meeting at 6:51 PM.
President Zehner re-entered the meeting at 6:57 PM.
Mr. Donahue’s work was discussed in detail and some modifications in the presentation were requested.
Due to internet connection problems, Mr. Jonson exited the meeting at 7:30 PM.
Mr. Jonson re-entered the meeting at 7:41 PM.
A motion was made and duly seconded to authorize the General Manager to work with the District’s financial advisor to pursue Requests for Proposals for a 1.25 million dollar private placement revenue bond with a 20 year repayment schedule. Motion passed.
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
Due to internet connection problems, Commissioner Hammond exited the meeting at 7:48 PM.
Commissioner Hammond re-entered the meeting at 7:50 PM
New Informational Items:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan Survey: Mr. Kerley presented a proposed survey that the ADCOM Climate Action Plan Subcommittee drafted for the Board to review. The Board acknowledged the Subcommittee’s efforts that went into the document, however, a simplified version would be more appropriate and the Board requested that a simpler and shorter version be drafted and that the current form of the survey not be used.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: Attached.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached. McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Phase II contract documents and plan readiness was discussed. A target date of May 17th 2021, was set for the District to advertise for bids for the project. Mr. Jonson stated that we would need positive indication from D.A. Davidson on the placement of the revenue bond prior to advertising.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM
MAY 20, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. Pursuant to notice, the meeting covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 5:01 PM.
New Action Items:
Consideration of Bid Open Date Extension Requests: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that several requests for a one-week extension for bid opening on the McKinnon Pumphouse Project Phase II had been received and that he recommended the one-week extension. A motion was made and seconded to extend the bid opening date to June 2nd 2021. Motion passed.
Possible Reschedule of the May25th Regular Board Meeting: Mr. Kerley requested a reschedule of the May Regular Board Meeting. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to cancel the May 25th 2021, regular board meeting and reschedule it as a special meeting to be held May 28th 2021 at either 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM depending on the availability of the District’s financial advisor. Motion passed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:22 PM
MAY 28, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Jim Nelson, D.A Davidson
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 4:01 PM.
Commissioner Donahue entered the meeting at 4:09 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on April 7th and April 22nd, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of April 2021 Vouchers:
Commissioners Hammond and Donahue, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118290 through 118337 in the amount of $394,584.01 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the April 22nd and May 20th Special Board Meetings were reviewed and edited. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the April 22nd and May 20th Special Board Meetings. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None
New Action Items:
Bank Selection for Revenue Bond: Jim Nelson of D.A. Davidson presented the bank responses to the District’s requests for proposals. The responses were analyzed and Mr. Nelson recommended the proposal submitted by Pacific Premiere Bank. After discussion a motion was made to select the proposal made by Pacific Premier Bank in the principal amount of $1,274,000 subject to interest rate revision that may be made prior to closing and to authorize the General Manager to sign the term sheet on the District’s behalf. Motion was seconded and approved. Mr. Nelson stated that loan documents should be ready for review by June 15, execution of the loan resolution is scheduled to occur at the next regular Board meeting on June 22, 2021, and funding should occur on July 7, 2021.
Jim Nelson left the meeting at 4:27 PM.
Selection of June Special Meeting Date: Mr. Kerley requested that the Board consider a Special Meeting to award Phase 2 of the McKinnon Wellfield Pumphouse Replacement. After discussion, a motion was made to select June 10th 2021 at 5:00 PM for a special meeting. Motion was seconded and approved.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan Survey: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that the survey responses from the Earth Day event provided a very limited sample set and that an ADCOM sub-committee meeting has been scheduled to review the survey and format.
New Informational Items:
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: A discussion was held regarding the proposed project, possible sources of payment of utility relocation costs and the impact on District infrastructure.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:14 PM
JUNE 10, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Counsel
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 5:08 PM.
New Action Items
Determination of Award for McKinnon Pumphouse Replacement Phase 2: Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that the District received one bid from McClure & Sons Inc. in the amount of $1,528,612.99, that Mr. Mundall tabulated the bid and found no discrepancies, and he vetted the contractor and found it to be qualified. Mr. Kerley recommended award. A motion was made to accept the bid from McClure and Sons Inc. in the amount of $1,528,612.99 as submitted on the condition of issuance and acceptance of a Revenue Bond in the amount of $1,274,000 from Pacific Premier Bank. The motion was seconded. Discussion followed which included an analysis of the District’s financial position and borrowing amount applied for from Pacific Premiere Bank. The financial and timing risks of rejecting the bid and rebidding the project were discussed at length. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board encouraged staff to pursue supplemental funding options for the project as an alternative to using cash reserves.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM.
JUNE 22, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Staci Amasaki, Foster Garvey
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:01 PM.
Dan Mundall entered the meeting at 6:05 PM.
Commissioner Hammond entered the meeting at 6:09 PM.
New Action Items:
Resolution 386 Authorizing the Issuance of a Revenue Bond in the Principal Amount of $1,274,000: A discussion was held, led by Staci Amasaki of Foster Pepper, the District’s Bond Attorney. A motion was then made and seconded to approve Resolution 386. Motion passed.
Staci Amasaki exited the meeting at 6:13 PM
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on May 6th and May 19 & 20th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of May 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118338 through 118371 in the amount of $72,868.61 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May 28th and June 10th Special Board Meetings as edited. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None
New Action Items Continued:
Motion to Authorize the G.M. to Enter into an Agreement with McClure and Sons: Motion was made and seconded. After discussion, the motion was approved.
Resolution 387 Accepting as Complete the McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Phase I Project: Motion was made and seconded and approved. The Board extended their thanks to Mr. Mundall and Mr. Kerley for their work on the project.
Upcoming Board Meeting Format: A discussion was held, after which a consensus was reached by staff, commissioners and attorney that a hybrid Board Meeting format that allows remote access and in person is the best option for the District at this time.
Executive Session for the purpose of considering a personnel matter, under RCW 42.30.110 section 1(g): Tabled.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan Survey: No Change
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
New Informational Items:
McKinnon Wellfield Walkthrough: Mr. Kerley would like to schedule a walkthrough with the Board. He was directed to send out some possible dates and to schedule the time in the evening or on a Saturday.
Commissioner Hammond exited the meeting at 6:47 PM.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. The 2020 Water Use Efficiency item was discussed in detail. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Open Discussion: Mr. Zehner led a discussion on the upcoming Washington State Long-Term Care Act and what options District employees may have for a long-term care insurance policy instead of the State imposed 0.58% tax on employee wages.
Mr. Kerley reported on an upcoming watermain repair on NE. 178th St. and that he had recently attended a Washington Water Utilities Council (WWUC) meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 PM
JULY 27, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney (by zoom teleconference); Dan Mundall, Engineer (by telephone)
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:01 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on June 3rd and June 23rd, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of May 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118370 through 118408 in the amount of $97,569.50 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the June 22nd Regular Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Executive Session for the purpose of considering a personnel matter, under RCW 42.30.110 section 1(g): Tabled.
New Action Items:
Motion to Recognize and Include Juneteenth (June 19th) as a Paid District Holiday: After discussion, a motion was made to recognize June 19th as a District holiday, to remove the day after Thanksgiving as a District holiday and to update the employee guide to include the changes. After discussion, the motion was approved with Commissioner Zehner voting nay as he preferred to not remove the day after Thanksgiving.
Update Signatory Authority with King County: Mr. Kerley recommended adding the District’s bookkeeper, an independent contractor, to the District’s voucher attestation form. After discussion, a motion to update the District’s signatory form to include and authorize the District’s Bookkeeper was made and seconded. After discussion, the motion was approved.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan Survey: No Change
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
McKinnon Wellfield Walkthrough: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he had scheduled the walkthrough for Friday July 30th at 2:30 pm. The Board expressed interest in attendance and it was decided that the item should be scheduled as a Special Meeting. The meeting will convene at 18460 47th Pl NE, Lake Forest Park, WA.
New Informational Items:
Washington State Final Utility Moratorium: Mr. Kerley reported that the final extension of the utility moratorium is set to expire September 30th, 2021. He noted inconsistent information regarding application of late fees during the moratorium and stated that it is expected that clarification on this item will be coming from the Governor’s Office soon. The Board asked that staff present a recommendation at the next Board meeting regarding application of late payment fees.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson gave a brief summary of the verbal ruling recently handed down in by the trial court in the King County franchise compensation litigation.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. An application for funding from the State Public Works Board was discussed in detail. See attached.
Open Discussion: Mr. Zehner led a discussion on the interruption and long lead times in the supply chain for municipal water fittings. Mr. Zehner also expressed concern about the long wait time for new electrical service drops which could affect the McKinnon Pumphouse Replacement Project.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM
JULY 30, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dylan Carpenter, Field Worker; Members of the Advisory Committee and the General Public
The meeting was convened at 18460 47th Pl NE, Lake Forest Park, WA.
Notice of the meeting was posted at the site, the District Office and on the District’s website as required by law and covered the following topic as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 2:30 PM.
New Action Items:
McKinnon Wellfield Walkthrough: Mr. Kerley led a walkthrough and tour of the McKinnon Wellfield and facilities, summarizing the recent work done on Phase 1 of the McKinnon Pumphouse Project and recent staff efforts in the wellfield.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM
August 24, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Richard Jonson, Attorney (by zoom teleconference); Dan Mundall, Engineer (by telephone)
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:02 PM.
Dan Mundall entered the meeting at 6:04 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on July 8th and July 21st, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of June 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118409 through 118443 in the amount of $46,951.39 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Mr. Zehner requested an edit to the July 27, 2021 meeting minutes to clarify his reasoning behind his nay vote on changing vacation days. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the July 27th Regular Board Meeting as amended and to pass the July 30th Special Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
New Action Items:
Motion to Commence Design, Permitting and Engineer’s Estimate for the Ballinger Way (37th Ave NE – 40th Ave NE) Watermain Replacement Project: A motion was made and seconded. Discussion followed about the priority of District watermain replacement projects, after which the Board requested additional information be provided and presented at a Special Board Meeting to be held on September 7th 2021 at 6:00 PM. No vote on the motion occurred although it remains pending.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan Survey: No Change
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
Washington State Final Utility Moratorium: No Change
New Informational Items: None.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson reported on non-confidential aspects of the King County franchise fee litigation, Governor and State DOH COVID proclamations were discussed.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached. He reported that water quality remained good. Discussion followed concerning operations practices and sampling. Mr. Kerley discussed a new hire and changes in staffing.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Mundall for his good work on the successful loan application with the State Public Works Board. Mr. Kerley reaffirmed this and stated that Donna Hadler of H2 Accounting was also a key part of the successful application.
Open Discussion: Mr. Zehner led a discussion on a Dept. of Labor and Industries prevailing wage determination on ductile iron water main work falling under the plumber’s scope of work and how this could negatively impact new watermain installation costs.
Mr. Zehner also gave an update on some of the items that WASWD will be prioritizing in the upcoming legislative session.
The Boards requested that Mr. Kerley draft a letter to Senator Frockt thanking him for his support of the Public Works Board and Public Works Projects.
A request was made by Mr. Zehner for the District to cover the costs for his attendance at the WASWD Fall Conference. Mr. Kerley stated that this was a valid request since there is a WASWD election to be held at the conference and many of the courses offered are beneficial to his role as a commissioner for the District. The Board concurred.
Mr. Jonson and Dan Mundall exited the meeting at 7:29 PM.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Executive Session for the purpose of considering a personnel matter, under RCW 42.30.110 section 1(g): At 7:30 PM President Zehner called an Executive Session for approximately 15 minutes for the review of the General Manager’s performance.
At 7:45 PM the Executive Session was exited and then extended for an additional 15 minutes.
At 8:00 PM the Executive Session was exited and the Regular Meeting resumed.
A motion was made and seconded to award Mr. Kerley a 2.75% wage increase effective March 1st of 2021 and also 90% of the performance award for the objectives previously set for the review period.
The Board thanked Mr. Kerley for his excellent work through a difficult time period due to Covid-19.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM
September 07, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Dan Mundall, Engineer (by telephone)
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:02 PM.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Pending Motion to Commence Design, Permitting and Engineer’s Estimate for the Ballinger Way (37th Ave NE – 40th Ave NE) Watermain Replacement Project: After discussion, the motion was amended to include an optional bid item for a pressure reducing station and that the project be ready for bid for the winter or spring construction season. Amended Motion was seconded and passed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM
September 28, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Richard Jonson, Attorney (by zoom teleconference); Dan Mundall, Engineer (by telephone)
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in-person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:03 PM.
Dan Mundall entered the meeting at 6:08 PM.
Mr. Donahue entered the meeting at 6:10 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on August 4th and August 18th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of August 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118444 through 118480 in the amount of $71,493.69 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 24th Regular Board Meeting as edited and the September 7th Special Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Action Items: None
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan Survey: A sub-committee meeting is scheduled for October 1st 2021.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
Washington State Final Utility Moratorium: A discussion was held regarding resumption of late fees and disconnect procedures, the availability of customer payment plans and the need for property owner approval for tenants to enter into a payment plan with the District.
New Informational Items: None.
Attorney Report: None
Advisory Committee Report: Mr. Kerley gave an update on the status of the 4th grade science unit water cycle presentation. Mr. Hammond suggested that we also reach out to 5th grade classes since the District was unable to present the science unit last year.
Mr. Mundall exited the meeting at 7:36 PM.
Mr. Kerley stated that the ADCOM is also interested in improving our plant exchange area for next year’s program.
Mr. Mundall re-entered the meeting at 7:40 PM.
General Manager’s Reports: The GM Report was reviewed. See attached. A letter giving notice of contract termination received from Donna Hadaller of H2 Accounting was discussed. Alternate billing and accounting software options and different ways the District can pursue staffing were also discussed.
Engineer’s Report: The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached. The status of the McKinnon Creek pumphouse project, phase II, was discussed.
Open Discussion: Mr. Zehner stated that he attended a Drinking Water Advisory Group meeting remotely and had found it worthwhile. The main item discussed was the need for more water system operators.
Mr. Zehner also announced that he had been re-elected to the WASWD Board of Directors.
Mr. Zehner and Mr. Kerley attended the WASWD Fall Conference and Trade Show and both reported that it was great to have in-person course training again.
Mr. Kerley forwarded a request from the State Auditor’s Office for a Risk Assessment Inquiry with one commissioner. Mr. Zehner volunteered.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM
November 02, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services.
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Mr. Zehner attended the meeting remotely and the other commissioners and Mr. Kerley attended in-person.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 5:00 PM.
New Action Items:
McKinnon Deep Well #3 Pump and Motor Replacement: A proposed scope of work was presented and discussed.
Mr. Mundall: entered the meeting remotely at 5:15 PM
Discussion continued and edits to the scope of work were made, after which the Board made a motion to authorize solicitation of proposals from qualified contactors on the Municipal Research and Services Center small works contractor roster. Motion was duly seconded and approved.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM
November 23, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney (by zoom teleconference); Dan Mundall, Engineer (by telephone)
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in-person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:02 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for September and October 2021.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:24 PM.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:43 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on September 8th and September 22nd, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on October 6th and October 20th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. Mr. Hammond stated that the October bank statement had not yet been received so he could not reconcile the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the bank statement and would do so at a later date.
Approval of September 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118481 through 118524 in the amount of $53,327.61 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of October 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118525 through 118569 in the amount of $52,747.30 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the September 28th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting and the November 2nd 2021 Special Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Action Items:
McKinnon Deep Well #3 Pump and Motor Replacement: Mr. Kerley presented the one bid proposal that was received by the District from the eight invites for proposals that were sent out. The bid was discussed in detail after which a motion was made to accept the bid by JKA Well Drilling and Pumps in the amount of $48,306.61 and to authorize the General Manager to enter into a Small Works Construction Agreement with JKA Well Drilling and Pumps with a dollar amount not to exceed $48,307.00. Motion was seconded and approved.
Resolution 388 approving Construction Loan Contract PC22-96103-171 with the Washington State Public Works Board: The proposed loan was reviewed and discussed. A motion was made to approve Resolution 388 and to authorize the General manager to execute the loan agreement. Motion was seconded and passed.
2021 Year in Review Presentation and Banquet: Tabled.
2021 Water Protector of the Year: Mr. Kerley presented to the Board the nominations that had been received by the District. After discussion, the Water Protector of the year for 2021 was selected.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley stated that a mission statement has been drafted and he is awaiting feedback. Mr. Zehner asked that he be invited to the next sub-committee meeting. Mr. Hammond also stated that he recently attended a Climate Action Plan seminar put on by the MRSC and that he would forward the powerpoint from the presentation.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
New Informational Items:
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: A discussion was held in regard to the timeline, scope of work and the initial design of the watermain relocation prepared by the City’s contract engineer for the two culvert replacement projects. A staff meeting is scheduled for December 1st 2021 to review the potential impacts and to possibly submit an alternate design.
2021 Small and Attractive Asset Report: The Board thanked Mr. Kerley for the report. There were no action items for the Board from the report.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report:
Mr. Kerley gave an update on the status of the 4th and 5th grade science unit. The Board noted that they were pleased the Advisory Committee was staying engaged.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Reports for October and November were reviewed. See attached. A brief discussion was held on the progress of the current procedural audit that is being performed by the State Auditor’s Office. Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he just hired a new employee for the open bookkeeping position.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached. The status of the McKinnon Creek pumphouse project was discussed.
Open Discussion:
Mr. Hammond noted that the past due account balances have been reduced.
Mr. Zehner stated that he had recently attended several WASWD Board meetings and WASWD section IV meetings. He gave an update on a recent L&I decision and pending appeal regarding the application of plumbers’ prevailing wage rates to the installation of ductile iron pipe.
He also stated that WASWD and WUC were considering a partnership to explore decisions on water right practices from other states.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM
December 28, 2021
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney (by zoom teleconference); Dan Mundall, Engineer (by telephone)
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for November 2021.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:04 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on November 4th and November 12th, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of November 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118570 through 118600 in the amount of $41,409.14 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 23rd, 2021 Regular Board Meeting as edited. Motion passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
2021 Year in Review Presentation and Banquet: Mr. Kerley recommended to the Board that the end of the year presentation be held remotely. After discussion the Board agreed and the date and time were set for January 20th, 2022 at 6:00 PM.
New Action Items:
Resolution 389 Adopting an Employee Guide: Mr. Kerley presented changes between the existing and the proposed update of the employee guide. Mr. Jonson summarized a recent court ruling on paid travel time. After discussion, Resolution 389 was tabled for revision.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley stated that an action statement has been written and an updated mission statement is being drafted.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Mr. Mundall stated that he should have a reply on the proposed water system design aspects within the next two weeks.
New Informational Items:
Draft 2022 Maintenance and 2022 Revenue Projection: Mr. Kerley presented the draft budget for discussion and comment from the Board. He noted that it does not appear that water rates need to be adjusted at this time. After review, the Board requested that a more detailed version of the budget be brought to the next Board meeting. The Board thanked Mr. Kerley for his work.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson reported on the ruling of the King County franchise fee litigation.
Advisory Committee Report: None
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for December was reviewed. See attached. A discussion was held on the exit conference of the procedural audit that is being performed by the State Auditor’s Office. It was determined that Mr. Donahue will represent the Board at the exit conference. Mr. Kerley will also attend.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached. The status of the McKinnon Creek pumphouse project was discussed.
Open Discussion:
The Board expressed interest in attending the 2022 WASWD Commissioners Workshop. Mr. Kerley stated that the registration fee is covered by the District’s insurance provider and that he will register the Commissioners for the workshop.
Mr. Zehner stated that he recently attended a Stream Keepers presentation put on by Brian Saunders. He had also recently attended a WASWD section IV meeting and continues to work with WASWD on future conferences and on the WASWD Scholarship Program. He also stated that WASWD and a member district intervened in a recent L&I proceeding regarding the application of plumbers’ prevailing wage rates to the installation of ductile iron pipe.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM