The District uses contractors listed with MRSC Rosters for small works projects. Larger projects are published in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce and on our website.
Watermain Replacement - Ballinger Way NE - 37th to 40th
Status: Design and Engineering
This Project will replace 1300ft of 6" failing steel pipe with 12" ductile iron and will include a new vault with reverse check valve to allow increased fire flow and pressure reducing valve to reduce water aging.
Wellhead Area Security Improvements
This ongoing project was funded from a low interest rate PWTF loan and allows us to improve security for the critical infrastructure.
McKinnon Creek Pumphouse - Phase II - Awarded to McClure & Sons June 11, 2021
Status: Under construction - see Public Notice
This Project entails two phases, Phase I is completed and consisted of sitework which rerouted the McKinnon wellfield supply infrastructure to the site of a new pumphouse which is being constructed in this project.
Work Includes:
- Sitework – excavate pumphouse site. Stockpile soil, backfill and grade to plans. Install ecology block retaining wall.
- Concrete - Poured concrete daylight basement foundation 18’x32’, slab on grade and pre-cast suspended slab with 2-1/2” topping slab.
- Masonry - CMU walls with architectural facing
- Building Structure including wood framing, doors, windows and metal roof with skylights, stairs.
- Mechanical – 40hp pumps, water pipes, valves and building plumbing for office area.
- Utilities – Drainage pump, extend U/G piping and conduit into pumphouse, connect to ex. sanitary side sewer, install electrical wiring in conduit for pumps.
- Electrical – 3ph/480v distribution and controls for pumps. Step down transformer and 120/240 building wiring
- Environmental - including TESC, tree preservation, and other requirements.
Zone Metering
We are currently installing water flow meters throughout the distribution system that enable us to monitor system demand in various pressure zones. This integrates with our telemetry system to provide real-time and historical information to better operate and diagnose issues in the system.
![Zone Metering Monitoring](
Zone Metering Monitoring
McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Phase I
Phase I which included pipe, ducting and grading is complete. Work completed by D&G Backhoe. 2020
McKinnon Wellfield Perimeter Fence Repair and Replacement
Bid from MRSC Roster - Contract with Discount Fence (, Marblemount, WA. Work completed 1/2020
Watermain Repair
Emergency leak repair required excavation equipment. (B&B Utilities) 12/2019
Sidewalk Repair
Replace several concrete sidewalk panels following leak repair on watermain. (Small works project awarded to B&B Utilities 2020)
McKinnon Wellfield Tree Removal
Bid from MRSC Roster - Contract with Best Tree Services NW Inc. - Work completed.
Well 2 - Pump Replacement and well Rehab
Due to a nearby lightning strike, the pump motor suffered damage and required replacement. During the replacement the well was cleaned, surged, and inspected. (Small works project awarded to JKA Drilling $30,150 - Jan 2019)
Well 1 - Pump Replacement
After having exceeded it's life expectancy, this project replaced the worn and failing pump in our primary well. (Small works project awarded to PumpTech $17,100 - Oct 2017)
NE 178th St - '#3713 to #3369'
A pipe replacement project to upgrade existing deteriorated watermain and avoid conflict with the City of Lake Forest Park's improvements. Over 1000' of 2" HDPE watermain was installed and construction was managed cooperatively and concurrently with the City's construction.
NE 178th St and 180th St
This project replaced a failed valve cluster and upgraded watermain crossing 180th in preparation for the 178th St. watermain replacement.
Horizon View Backup Well Project - Brightwater- completed 3/14
Construction of backup wells, pump station, and transmission main to mitigate against potential Brightwater Tunnel leakage.
- Phase I of this project is complete. Trail widening and utility infrastructure to site.
- Phase II is completed and the system is currently supplying supplemental water to the district.
Ballinger Way PRV - Completed 4/13
Replacement of an aging and malfunctioning Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) chamber that supplies water to the lowest zone in the district, the 'Beach Zone'. The new PRV chamber is located at the intersection of Ballinger Way and 175th