JANUARY 20, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Counsel; Members of the Staff, Advisory Committee and General Public.
Due to the Covid Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:02 PM.
New Business:
Mr. Kerley gave a presentation recognizing the accomplishments of the Staff, Advisory Committee, Contract Professionals and the Board of Commissioners during 2021 which included a video of 2021 in review, prepared by Steve Mundall.
Mr. Kerley presented a recognition award to Donna Hadaller for her contributions during her time at the District as the Contract Bookkeeper.
President Zehner presented the 2021 LFPWD Water Protector of the Year Award to Cheryl Brady.
Discussion and comments followed each presentation.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.
FEBRUARY 2, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Richard Jonson, Attorney (by zoom teleconference)
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for December 2021.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:23 PM.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:34 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Approval of December 2021 Vouchers:
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 28th, 2021 Regular Board Meeting and the January 20, 2022 Special Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
New Action Items:
Election of Officers: A motion was made to appoint the following District officers for 2022 or until their successors are duly appointed: Bill Donahue as President, David Hammond as Secretary and Eli Zehner as Treasurer. Motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Donahue took over as the President for the remainder of the meeting.
Engagement of Tara Dunford, CPA, for Financial Services: A motion was made to authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Tara Dunford, CPA, for the purpose of preparing and filing financial statements in accordance with accounting practices prescribed by the State Auditor’s Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting System in an amount not to exceed $3,500.00 and to engage her services at her current applicable rate for a maximum of eight hours annually. Motion was seconded and approved.
Ratify General Managers Decision of Change Order Approval for McKinnon Deep Well #3: Mr. Kerley presented the change order for replacement of a pump and check valve at deep well #3. He stated that problems with the equipment were not discovered until JKA Well Drilling pulled them out and it was necessary to make an on-site decision to replace them in order to avoid delays and remobilization. After discussion, a motion was made to ratify the General Manager’s decision to approve a change order in the amount of $5,049.75 including sales tax with JKA Welling Drilling to replace and upgrade the pump and check valve for deep well #3 to stainless steel. Motion was seconded and approved.
Application of Late Fees Accrued During the State of Washington Utility Late Fee Moratorium: A discussion was held, after which the Board directed the General manager to reinstate charging late charges on past due accounts accrued after the moratorium expired and to notify and contact customers with past due balances accrued during the moratorium that past due balances could be subject to late charges. Mr. Kerley was also directed to bring additional account information to the next meeting. Because the Board had not previously moved to suspend the late charges, a motion was determined to not be necessary. However, a final determination regarding imposing the late fee on a past due balance will be made at the February 22nd 2022 Regular Board Meeting.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Resolution 389 Adopting an Employee Guide: Tabled.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Zehner updated the Board on the next meeting date and where the sub-committee is at in the process.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Mr. Mundall reported that we have reviewed the preliminary designs and asked for design changes to place our watermain over the top of the box culverts instead of underneath.
Draft 2022 Maintenance and 2022 Revenue Projection: Tabled.
New Informational Items: None
Attorney Report: None
Advisory Committee Report: The Commissioners reviewed minutes from recent Adcom Meetings.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for January was reviewed. See attached. The extra effort field staff gave during the cold snap and the exit conference of the procedural audit that is being performed by the State Auditor’s Office were discussed in detail. It was noted that some auditor comments concerning financial planning were incorrect. Commissioners Donahue and Hammond will represent the Board at the exit conference. Mr. Kerley will also attend.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached. The McKinnon Creek pumphouse project was discussed in detail.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM
FEBRUARY 14, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Wendy Choy, Audit Manager, Washington State Auditor’s Office; Lorraine Nitta, Assistant Audit Manager, Washington State Auditor’s Office; Sheri Campbell, Audit Lead, Washington State Auditor’s Office
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid Pandemic, the meeting was held remotely using Microsoft Teams. Participation information can be found at the end of these minutes and was posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 12:30 PM.
New Business: Washington State Auditor’s Office Exit Conference for 2018-2020 Accountability Audit: After introductions, the SAO led a presentation and overview of the accountability audit. The presentation and audit were discussed in detail.
Commissioner Hammond exited the meeting at 1:28 PM.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:33 PM.
FEBRUARY 22, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; and Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; and Traci Furutani, City of Lake Forest Park Council Member.
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for January 2022.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on December 7th, 8th and 21st, 2021 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of December 2021 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having previously reviewed the December 2021 expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118601 through 118648 in the amount of $76,146.93 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the February 02, 2022 (as edited) and the February 14, 2022 Special Board Meetings. Motion was seconded and passed.
Council Member Furutani entered the meeting at 6:45 PM.
New Action Items:
2022 Maintenance and 2022 Revenue Projection: Mr. Kerley summarized the proposed final version of the 2022 Maintenance Budget and 2022 Revenue Projection for Board approval. Discussion followed. A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2022 Maintenance Budget and create a new Capital Improvement Reserve Fund and to transfer $200,000.00 from the Maintenance Fund into it. After discussion in detail, the motion was approved.
Open Discussion:
City of Lake Forest Park Council Member Furutani introduced himself to the Board and stated that he was looking forward to working with the District on items that would be mutually beneficial to the City of Lake Forest Park and Lake Forest Park Water District.
Council Member Furutani exited the Meeting at 7:37 PM.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Resolution 389 Adopting an Employee Guide: The Board was provided a copy of the proposed employee guide prior to the meeting for review. A motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution 389. After discussion, the motion was approved.
Application of Late Fees Accrued During the State of Washington Utility Late Fee Moratorium: Mr. Kerley provided to the Board the additional account information as requested at the last meeting and informed the Board that all customers with past due accounts accrued during the utility moratorium had been contacted. He added that the conclusion of the Governor’s moratorium on late fees and disconnection occurred during the September/October billing cycle. The Board made a motion to reinstate late charges commencing with the November/December 2021 billing cycle. The motion was seconded and approved.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: The Board reviewed the Draft Mission and Vision statements.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
New Informational Items:
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that the City of Lake Forest Park is currently in the process of redeveloping the intersection of SR 104 and 40th Place NE into a roundabout and design level plans are at 30 percent. A meeting is scheduled with the City and their design team on February 23rd to discuss possible utility conflicts and potential water system replacements in that area.
Attorney Report: None
Advisory Committee Report: None
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for February was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Open Discussion Continued:
Mr. Kerley informed the Board that the District has entered the King County’s Best Tasting Water Competition. He also presented artwork for a plaque that is under consideration for installation on some of the District buildings.
Mr. Kerley also informed the Board that he has been summoned as a juror in Snohomish County Superior Court.
Mr. Zehner stated that he recently attended a WASWD Small Districts Meeting that included a great presentation about a watermain leak in Gray’s Harbor.
Mr. Donahue informed the Board that he has a scheduling conflict with the March 22nd Regular Board Meeting and requested that the meeting be rescheduled. A motion was made and seconded to cancel the March 22nd Regular Board Meeting and to Reschedule it as a Special Meeting on March 23rd 2022 at 6:00 PM. Motion Passed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 PM
MARCH 23, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; and Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:01 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for February 2022.
Treasurer’s Report:
In his role as Treasurer during the previous month, Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on January 6th and 20th, 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of January 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having previously reviewed the January 2022 expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118649 through 118690 in the amount of $181,304.30 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
New Action Items:
Approval of Amended 2022 Maintenance Budget: Mr. Kerley presented the corrected 2022 Maintenance Budget that included health care costs that had not been accounted for in the previous version of the budget.
After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to increase the water usage charge from $3.25 per 100 cubic feet to $3.50 per 100 cubic feet effective May 1st, 2022. The motion was approved.
Staff was directed to update the 2022 Revenue Projection and to prioritize upcoming capital projects.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Amended 2022 Maintenance Budget in the amount of $619,301.00. Motion passed.
Resolution 390 Adopting the 2022 Consolidated Rate Schedule: Mr. Kerley presented proposed resolution No. 390 and rate schedule that was updated with the water usage charge increased by previous motion. A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2022 Consolidated Rate Schedule. After discussion and presentation of the Capital Improvement Funding and Debt Service Review (Attached), the motion to approve Resolution 390 was approved.
Resolution 391 Creating a Capital Improvement Reserve Fund: Mr. Kerley presented proposed resolution No. 391. A motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution 391. Motion passed.
Resolution 392 Authorizing Food and Refreshment at the District’s Expense During Periodic Public Outreach and Recognition Events: Mr. Kerley presented proposed resolution No. 392. A motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution 392. After discussion the motion passed.
Determination on Employee Health Insurance Contribution Rate: This item was covered during the Amended 2022 Maintenance Budget discussion.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None
New Informational Items: None
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: A sub-committee meeting is scheduled for March 29th.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson reviewed regional water issues.
Advisory Committee Report:
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for March was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Open Discussion:
Mr. Zehner stated that he recently attended two presentations on funding opportunities. He also recently attended a AWWA PNW Section WWUC meeting in which it was brought up that the Washington State Department of Ecology will be examining and possibly proposing to revise municipal water rights policies.
Mr. Kerley stated that there is an upcoming WASWD meeting on the dispute between Westwater Construction Co. and L&I over prevailing wage for work on ductile iron pipe, and discussion about the next steps for trying to avert a potentially expensive outcome for utilities.
Mr. Hammond stated that past due accounts receivable beyond 150 days at the end of January was approximately $6,000.00.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM
APRIL 26, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue
Excused: David Hammond
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; and Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for March 2022.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:18 pm.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on February 3rd and 17th, 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports. Mr. Zehner also noted a formatting issue.
Approval of February 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having previously reviewed the February 2022 expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118691 through 118728 in the amount of $194,324.04 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the March 23, 2022 Special Board Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
New Action Items:
Possible Reschedule of May Board Meeting: After discussion, it was decided that the May Board Meeting would not be rescheduled.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None
New Informational Items: None
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: Mr. Kerley detailed some upcoming equipment purchases.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley gave an update on the progress.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:40 pm.
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson reviewed regional water issues, changes to the Open Public Meetings Act and lobbying restrictions applicable to local governments.
Advisory Committee Report: The Board reviewed the minutes form the March Advisory Committee Meeting.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for March was reviewed. A damaged fire hydrant event was discussed in detail. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report was reviewed. See attached.
Open Discussion:
Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that the new fund with King County had been created, that Eric Strom of the Advisory Committee had written an excellent article for World Water Day and that it was posted on the District’s website and that he had found the WASWD conference that he had recently attended to be beneficial.
Mr. Kerley also reported on upcoming public outreach events including a District booth at the LFP Garden Market and the Farmer’s Market Day Sponsorship.
Mr. Kerley informed the Board about a request for free water at Five Acres Park and about an apparent homeowner encroachment issue at Horizon View Park.
Mr. Zehner stated that he also had attended the WASWD Conference and found it to be worthwhile.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM
MAY 24, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond
Excused: Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; and Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The notice was also posted on the District’s website to give the general public the opportunity to participate. The following topics were set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Hammond at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for April 2022.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:33 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on March 1st, 10th and 24th 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of March 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having previously reviewed the March 2022 expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers nos. 118729 through 118774 in the amount of $46,956.07 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Approval of April 26th 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes was tabled.
Mr. Jonson exited the Meeting at 6:40 PM.
Mr. Jonson reentered the Meeting at 6:42 PM.
Mr. Mundall Entered the Meeting at 6:42 PM.
New Action Items:
Resolution 387 Accepting as Complete McKinnon Pumphouse Phase 1: Mr. Kerley and Mr. Dan Mundall reviewed the status of construction of Phase I of the McKinnon Creek Pumphouse project and recommended final acceptance of Phase I. Discussion followed. A motion for approval was made and seconded. After discussion, the motion was passed.
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (b): At 6:55 PM, Mr. Hammond called an executive session for an approximate length of 30 minutes to discuss real estate acquisition matters as authorized by RCW 42.30.110 (b). At 7:25 PM, Mr. Hammond publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 10 minutes. The executive session was concluded at 7:35 PM and the regular session of the meeting continued.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley and Mr. Zehner gave an update on progress with the plan.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change.
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Mr. Mundall reported the District was successful in getting the City to approve a design to install the District’s water main over the top of the new culverts, which is optimal.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: No Change.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson reviewed regional water issues and changes to the Open Public Meetings Act.
Advisory Committee Report: The Board reviewed the minutes form the April Advisory Committee Meeting.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for April was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report: None.
Open Discussion:
Mr. Zehner reported that no determination on the dispute between Westwater Construction Co. and L&I over prevailing wage for work on ductile iron pipe will be forthcoming until August.
Mr. Zehner informed the Board that he is now the Chair of the WASWD Membership Committee.
Mr. Zehner also reported that he attended the May WASWD Section IV Meeting and topics included seismic vulnerability and King County’s Clean Water Plan. Mr. Jonson reported on WASWD activity regarding public utility taxes.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM
JUNE 28, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; and Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the opportunity to comment.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:01 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for May 2022.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:22 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on April 4th and 21st 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Mr. Zehner also compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on May 6th and 21st 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of April & May 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of April vouchers nos. 118775 through 118816 in the amount of $49,491.42 and May vouchers 118817 through 118855 in the amount of $81,054.35 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
After discussion, approval of the April 26th and May 24th 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Mr. Steve Mundall exited the meeting at 6:50 PM.
New Action Items:
Potential Reschedule of July and August Board Meetings: After discussion, a motion was made to reschedule the July board meeting to July 18th 2022 and the August board meeting to August 31st 2022, both as special meetings. Motion was seconded and approved.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (b): At 7:01 PM, President Donahue called an executive session for an approximate length of 30 minutes to discuss the acquisition of real estate as authorized by RCW 42.30.110 (b). At 7:31 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. At 7:36 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. At 7:42 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. The executive session was concluded at 7:47 PM and the regular session of the meeting continued.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley gave an update on progress with the plan.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: No Change.
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: This item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: This item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for May was reviewed. See attached. Mr. Kerley mentioned that an employee began taking PERS retirement benefits without advising the District and PERS requires payback of benefits.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for June was reviewed.
Open Discussion:
Mr. Zehner reported on a car wash article in the Shoreline Area News. After discussion, the Board requested that Mr. Kerley correspond with the newspaper on the District’s behalf.
Mr. Zehner informed the Board that he is now the Chair of the WASWD Membership Committee.
Mr. Zehner also reported that the UIC memorandum of understanding between WASWD and the Dept. of Ecology was set to expire.
New Action Items Continued:
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (g) review performance of a public employee: At 9:15 PM, President Donahue called an executive session for an approximate length of 30 minutes to review the performance of the General Manager.
Mr. Dan Mundall and Mr. Jonson exited the meeting.
At 9:45 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 15 minutes.
At 10:00 PM the executive session was concluded and the regular session of the meeting resumed.
A motion was made and seconded to award Mr. Kerley a 5.2% wage increase effective March 1st of 2022 and also 80% of the performance award for the objectives previously established for the review period. Motion was passed.
The Board discussed and set the performance award criteria for the current review period and thanked Mr. Kerley for his excellent work.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 PM
August 31, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
The meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely with the call-in information found at the end of these minutes. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the opportunity to comment.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for June and July 2022.
Mr. Dan Mundall entered the meeting at 6:04 PM.
Mr. Richard Jonson entered the meeting at 6:33 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on June 9th and 23rd 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports. He also noted that the District had made bond interest payments totaling $25,093.20 in June.
Mr. Zehner also compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on July 7th and 19th 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of June & July 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of June vouchers nos. 118856 through 118897 in the amount of $251,033.69 and July vouchers 118898 through 118938 in the amount of $145,268.83 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
After discussion, approval of the June 28th 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes as edited was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Reactivate or Close Bank of America Petty Cash Account: After discussion the Board decided to keep the account active as long as no fees are associated with doing so.
PERS Audit: Mr. Kerley gave a progress update on the items listed for correction in the audit. At 7:20 PM, President Donahue called an executive session under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i)(iii) for an approximate length of 15 minutes. At 7:35 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. The executive session was concluded at 7:40 PM and the regular session of the meeting continued.
A motion was made to authorize the General Manager and legal counsel to negotiate individual repayment agreements with District employees that have been affected by inadvertent underpayments into the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), and in the interest of maintaining employee relations and resolving potential disputes, to compromise 15% of individual employee PERS repayment amounts and any associated interest upon mutual execution of an authorization and release that allows the employees to pay the compromised amounts by payroll deductions over a period not to exceed 36 months. Motion was duly seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (b): Tabled
New Informational Items:
Participation in the Save our Salmon Mural on NE 178th St: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that the District would be providing water to the volunteers painting the mural on the fish passage culvert on September 10th 2022 and that the District used some of its public outreach funds to have the District’s logo included on the mural.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
McKinnon Wellfield Security Improvements: No Change.
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: No Change.
Lyon Creek Fish Passage: Mr. Kerley reported that construction is probable in 2024.
City of Lake Forest Park L-80 and L-90 Culvert Replacements: Mr. Kerley reported that it was his understanding that the L-80 project would not be proceeding and that L-90 construction is probable in 2024.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Mr. Kerley reported that construction is probable in 2024.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Reports for June and July were reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for July/August was reviewed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM.
September 27, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner (By Zoom teleconference), David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
The meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the opportunity to participate.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:14 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for August 2022.
Mr. Richard Jonson entered the meeting at 6:18 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Hammond read the treasurer’s report on behalf of Mr. Zehner who prior to the meeting compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on August 4th and 18th 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer’s signed report stated that he compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement and that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of August 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed expense vouchers presented for payment, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of August vouchers nos. 118939 through 118972 in the amount of $80,204.18 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the August 31st 2022 Special Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items: None
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (b): At 6:57 PM, President Donahue called an executive session for an approximate length of 15 minutes to discuss real estate acquisition matters as authorized by RCW 42.30.110 (b).
Mr. Zehner entered the meeting (and executive session) at 6:58 PM.
At 7:12 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. At 7:17 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. The executive session was concluded at 7:22 PM and the regular session of the meeting continued.
New Informational Items: None
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that the Draft Climate Action Plan is nearing completion and that the Climate Action Plan Sub-committee would need a few more meetings for final revisions.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: This item was included in the Engineer’s Report.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Reports:
The GM Report for August was reviewed and discussed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for August was reviewed and discussed.
Public Comment: None
Open Discussion: The need for a reconciliation template for billing adjustments was discussed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 PM.
October 24, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer;
The meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the opportunity to participate.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:02 PM.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:06 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for September 2022.
Mr. Richard Jonson entered the meeting at 6:33 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on September 8th and 21st 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of September 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of September vouchers nos. 118973 through 119006 in the amount of $58,136.54 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the September 27th 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items: None
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(b): At 07:08 PM, President Donahue called an executive session for an approximate length of 15 minutes to discuss real estate acquisition matters as authorized by RCW 42.30.110 (1)(b). At 7:23 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. At 7:28 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 5 minutes. At 7:33 PM, President Donahue publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 3 minutes. The executive session was concluded at 7:36 PM and the regular session of the meeting continued.
New Informational Items:
WASWD Fall Conference Report: Mr. Zehner gave a detailed report on the presentations that he attended at the conference including the WASWD Section IV meeting, a presentation by Seattle Public Utilities on water conservation and upcoming per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances regulations and testing.
Water Use Efficiency Goal: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that a public hearing needs to be held for the setting of a new 6 year Water Use Efficiency Goal as required by the Washington State DOH Office of Drinking Water and that the hearing needs to be posted on the Office of Drinking Water website a minimum of two weeks before the public hearing.
Revenue Bonds: Mr. Kerley informed the Board of recent correspondence with the bond issuers and suggested adding debt servicing and capital improvement revenue as line items on the 2023 Budget to help with annual bond reporting.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: No Change.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Mr. Mundall gave an update on the design progress and project timeline. Discussion followed concerning the timing of the project and whether the District should separately contract for water main relocation work or join in the City’s construction contract.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that Regina Fletcher and Julie Hungar were resigning from the Advisory Committee. He stated that the District will include an item in the Fall newsletter and on the District website informing the public that we are looking for new Advisory Committee Members. Mr. Kerley also stated that nominations for the Water Protector of the Year Award will be reviewed at next month’s Board Meeting.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for September was reviewed. See attached. The draft 2023 Budget and PFAS testing were discussed in detail. He stated that the District is feeling the effects of inflation and that across the board rate increases will likely be needed.
Engineer’s Report:
Mr. Mundall gave a status update on the McKinnon Wellfield Pumphouse Project.
Public Comment: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.
NOVEMBER 22, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer.
The meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the opportunity to participate.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:03 PM.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:07 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for October 2022.
New Action Items:
Water Use Efficiency Goal Setting Public Forum: Mr. Donahue announced the start of the public forum at 6:29 PM. No members of the general public were in attendance.
Mr. Richard Jonson entered the meeting at 6:30 PM.
Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that the public forum information was posted to the State DOH website as required and on the District’s website. He also gave an update on the progress of the current water use efficiency goal and an overview of some proposed goals for consideration. After discussion a motion was made and seconded to approve a demand side goal to further reduce average customer usage by .33% per year for a 2% reduction in the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) average consumption in gallons over a six year period from the current ten-year average of 185 gallons per day per ERU and a production side goal to reduce unaccounted water (Distribution System Leakage) to 10% or less. After further discussion, a motion was made to amend the main motion to further reduce the production side goal to 9.5% or less unaccounted for water (Distribution System Leakage). The motion to amend was seconded and passed. The main motion was then passed.
The public forum concluded at 7:12 PM and the Commissioners resumed voucher review.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on October 6th and 19th 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of October 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of October vouchers nos. 119007 through 119048 in the amount of $170,732.99 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the October 24th 2022 Special Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items Continued:
Motion to Surplus the Items Detailed in the 2022 Small and Attractive Asset Report: The 2022 Small and Attractive Asset Report was reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to surplus the items detailed in the 2022 Small and Attractive Asset Report. Motion approved.
Potential Special Meetings: Mr. Kerley requested that a special meeting be held sometime in early January and in person for the End of the Year/ Employee Recognition Banquet. The Board agreed and requested that Mr. Kerley correspond with possible dates and venues.
Mr. Kerley stated that the December regular Board meeting date falls between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Discussion followed. A motion was made and seconded to cancel the December 27th 2022 Regular Board Meeting and instead, hold a Special Meeting on December 21st at 5:00 PM. Motion passed.
The Commissioners also decided to schedule a Special Meeting for November 30th 2022 at 8:00 AM to convene at 18460 47th Pl NE, Lake Forest Park WA 98155 for the purpose of touring the construction progress on the McKinnon Pumphouse Replacement Project. A motion to hold a special meeting at that time, date and location was made, seconded and passed.
Water Protector of the Year Selection: Mr. Kerley presented nominations received from District Advisory Committee. After discussion, a motion was made to award Kim Josund with the 2022 Waster Protector of the Year Award. Motion seconded and passed.
Consideration of Advisory Committee Applicants: The Commissioners reviewed an application to serve on the Advisory Committee from resident Casey Sundin. A motion was made to accept Casey Sundin to the Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded and passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items:
EPA Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)Testing: Item was covered in the G.M. Report.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Zehner reported on the Committee’s progress.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Mr. Mundall gave an update on the design progress and project timeline. Discussion followed concerning the timing of the project and whether the District should separately contract for water main relocation work or join in the City’s construction contract.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: Minutes from the October Advisory Committee Meeting were reviewed.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for October was reviewed. See attached. A customer leak at the Town Center, the possibility of a maintenance agreement between Town Center ownership and the District and a power outage event were discussed in detail.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for October was reviewed. See attached. The McKinnon Wellfield Pumphouse Project was discussed in detail.
Public Comment: Commissioner Zehner reported that he had attended a WASWD Section IV Meeting on November 21st and topics included Seattle Public Utilities contract revisions, King County’s Clean Water Plan and a governance study by the City of Seattle.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.
NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond
Others present: Dan Mundall, Engineer; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services
Notice of the Special Meeting was posted at the District office and on the District website as required by law and covered the following topic:
Call to Order: The meeting was held at 18460 47th Pl NE, Lake Forest Park WA 98155 and called to order by Commissioner Zehner at 8:15 AM.
New Business:
Construction Progress Tour of McKinnon Pumphouse Replacement Project: The Commissioners were given a tour of the new pumphouse and facilities.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 AM.
DECEMBER 21, 2022
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer.
The meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the opportunity to participate.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 5:01 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for November 2022.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on November 11th and 22nd 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of November 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of October vouchers nos. 119049 through 119084 in the amount of $48,390.95 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the November 22nd 2022 Regular and November 22nd 2022 Special Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Motion to hold Special Meeting on January 10th 2023: A motion was made and seconded to hold a special meeting at 5602 232nd St. SW Mountlake Terrace WA on January 10th 2023 at 6:00 pm. Motion was seconded and passed.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 5:47 PM.
2023 Commissioners Workshop Participation: Mr. Kerley inquired if any of the Commissioners would be interested in attending the 2023 Commissioners Workshop. Commissioners Zehner, Hammond and Donahue all stated that they would be attending.
Approval of Resolution 393 (Consolidated Rate Schedule): Mr. Kerley presented Draft Resolution 393 and stated that it would be conducive to discuss the 2023 Budget and Resolution 393 at the same time in order to make a rate increase determination. The Board agreed and discussion followed.
Mr. Richard Jonson entered the meeting at 6:33 PM and discussion continued.
A motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution 393 with the inclusion of a $4.00 per month Capital Improvement Fee increase per equivalent residential unit.
Approval of 2023 Budget: A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2023 Budget. After further discussion the item was tabled.
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i): At 7:10 PM a motion was made by President Donahue to enter into an executive session under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) for an approximate length of 20 minutes. At 7:30 PM the executive session was extended for 5 minutes. At 7:35 PM the executive session was extended for 5 minutes. At 7:40 PM the executive session was extended for 5 minutes. At 7:45 PM the executive session was exited and the regular meeting resumed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley gave an update.
State Route 104 and 40th Pl NE Roundabout: Mr. Mundall gave an update on the design progress and project timeline. Discussion followed concerning the timing of the project and whether the District should separately contract for water main relocation work or join in the City’s construction contract.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that Julie Hungar and Cheryl Brady would be stepping down as AdCom Members.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for November was reviewed. See attached. A power outage event was discussed in detail with Mr. Kerley giving praise to the staff for their response.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for November was reviewed. See attached. The McKinnon Wellfield Pumphouse Project was discussed in detail.
Public Comment: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.