Proposed 2025 Rate Changes

Budget and Revenue Projections for 2025 were reviewed by the LFPWD Board of Commissioners at the December 18th Special Board Meeting. A discussion was held on current rates and the revenue requirements needed by the District for 2025.

To fully fund operating costs, an increase in the monthly meter rate ($1.00 increase per equivalent residential unit) and an increase in the water usage unit rate from $3.50 per billing unit to $3.85 per billing unit has been proposed. The District has not increased the monthly meter rate since 2005 and water usage unit rate has not been increased since 2022.

Two construction projects scheduled for 2025 will result in the District incurring the expense or partial expense of relocating infrastructure. The Washington State Dept. of Transportation will be replacing a culvert near Ballinger Way and 35th Ave NE and the City of Lake Forest Park will begin work on a roundabout project at 40th Ave NE. and Ballinger Way. To fund these projects, an increase in the monthly Capital Improvement Fee ($3.00 increase per equivalent residential unit per month) has been proposed. The last Capital Improvement Fee increase was in 2023.

The Board will make a final determination on 2025 rate increases at the January 28th Regular Board Meeting. Any rate increases approved by the Board will go into effect March 1 ,2025.

* Equivalent residential unit = Water use for a typical single-family residence
* Billing unit = 100 cubic feet (748 gallons)


Current Rates

Effective January 1, 2023   (Summary of Resolution 393)

SDC’s in the amounts set forth below shall be charged to owners of real property that use or desire to use District water. SDC’s for single family homes, shall be paid no later than meter installation. For all other circumstances, SDC’s shall be due pursuant to the terms of an agreement with the District, upon meter installation or change-out, upon connection of new improvements to water system facilities served by the District, or upon expanded uses of District water.

  1. New Connection. SDC’s shall be based upon Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) calculations for proposed developments and uses as follows: (a) a single family residence equals one ERU; (b) multifamily development is based on the number of residential units with each unit equal to one ERU except that multifamily units with two bedrooms or less are equal to 80% of an ERU; (c) ERU’s for non-residential development shall be based on meter size (see chart and notes below) The commercial and residential portion of a mixed commercial/residential development shall be metered separately.
  2. Existing System Change (Expansion). Structures and properties with existing water service that undergo physical expansion or expansion of water usage shall pay SDC’s based on the incremental increase in ERU’s based on section A above. There shall be no refund of SDC’s for reductions in ERU’s. The SDC shall be based on the ERU’s for the converted property as determined in section A above or the ERU’s determined from five year average historic water use for the preconverted property, whichever is higher.
  3. Transfer of Existing Water Service from Other Systems. SDC’s do not generally apply to structures whose water service is transferred from other public water systems to the District pursuant to intergovernmental agreements or operation of law. Other situations may require payment of SDC’s based on an analysis performed by the District engineer to determine a fair and equitable share of water system capital facility costs.
  4. Fire Protection. Connections that serve structures with fire sprinklers shall have a fire flow meter sized in accordance with a flow test performed by Northshore Fire District. Developments that require augmentation of District facilities for fire protection purposes may be charged with system augmentation costs in addition to SDC’s.
1 5/8 and 3/4 INCH METER $37.00 ‡‡ $8,727.0
1.5 1 INCH METER $68.00 ‡‡‡ $13,090.50
5/8 and 3/4 INCH METER – EXTRA SERVICE (ADU) $31.50
2.5 1-1/2 INCH METER $138.00 $21,817.50
5 2 INCH METER $367.00 $43,635.00
8 3 INCH METER $729.00
16 4 INCH METER $1,132.00 Greater than 2″
25 5 INCH METER to be determined
50 LOW FLOW 6 INCH METER $2,259.00 upon application.
80 8 INCH METER $3,611.00

: SDC’s are connection charges authorized by RCW 57.08.005(11)

‡‡ Equivalent Residential Unit

‡‡‡ Amount listed is for service to one residence or equivalent.

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s)  – An ADU is defined by City of Lake Forest Park Municipal Code to be a dwelling unit that is: 1. located within a single-family residence; or 2. located on the same parcel as a single family residence. The District relies on the City’s Municipal Code to determine whether a dwelling unit is an ADU. Unless an ADU is separately metered (in whch case it shall be treated as a stand alone single family residence), ADU’s shall be charged a base fee and CIF fee at 50% of the rates charged to a single family residence with a 5/8 x 3/4 inch meter.


Retail:   All water consumed regardless of meter size $3.50 per 100 cubic feet
LEAK ADJUSTMENT RATE: 50% of Retail above normal (See res. 365)
A.  State ExciseTax* .052953 of Base and Water Usage Charges
B.  City of Lake Forest Park Franchise Fee*  6% of Net Revenue
*By agreement or law
A.  Monthly charge per ERU* $30.00 per month
*this charge only – ERU’s are based on (1) one home regardless of meter size equals one ERU, (2) ERU’s for multifamily residential are based on the number of residential units, (3) ERU’s for non-residential structures will be a minimum of 1.0 and are bassed on average annual water use divided by 197 gpd, with a re-evaluation every five years.


A.   Preparation and Issuance of a Certificate of Water Availability
Single-family residence $137.50 minimum plus engineering,
legal and administrative costs
Commercial development $412.50 minimum plus engineering,
legal and administrative costs
Multiple lot developments $137.50 for the first lot; $50 for each
additional lot plus engineering,
legal and administrative costs
Renewal Fee $50
B.   Customer Account Transfer / Final Read $27.50 per transfer
C.   “Insufficient Funds”/Returned Check Fee $38.50 per event
D.   Water Shut-off Notice Fee $44 per notice
E.   Water Shut-off Fee $44 per shut off
F.  45 day reminder  notice fee $3.30
G.  Lien Fee/Removal Current county fee plus $82.50
H.   Notice of Intent to File Certificate of Delinquency Fee $22 per notice
I.   Termination of Water due to  Cross-Connection Non-compliance Fee. $44 per shut off
J.   Water Turn-on Fee $44 per turn-on
K.   Special Meter Reading at Customer’s Request $27.50 per reading
L.   Meter Removal at Customer’s Request $82.50 per removal
M. Key Deposit $27.50
N. Lost / Non-returned Key $110


Copying and Shipping of Public Records. No fee shall be charged for the inspection of public records. A photocopy fee of $0.15 per page shall apply to standard letter sized copies. Larger copies shall be charged based on actual cost. The District may include shipping costs including postage and the cost of shipping containers and envelopes. Electronic copies from existing electronic records sent by email provided at no cost. The District has no obligation to create electronic documents from paper documents.
An electronic file fee of $0.10 per page for records scanned into electronic format shall apply, as well as a $0.10 per page for every four electronic files or attachments uploaded to an email, cloud storage service, or other electronic delivery system. Additionally, the District reserves the right to charge a customized service charge if information technology (IT) expertise is required to prepare data compilations or provide customized electronic access services that are not otherwise used by the District. If special IT expertise is needed to service a request, District will estimate the cost of the actual cost of the IT work, notify the requester and require a 10% deposit of the estimated costs.


A.   Late Charge Penalty. 10% of overdue service charges from previous billing
B.   Debit/ Credit Card fees customer responsible for all associated fees
C.   Rates of Interest
Certificate of delinquency 7% *per annum
Other 7% *per annum
* Not to exceed rate set forth in RCW 57.018.081 (3)


5/8″ X 3/4″ (standard meter) $3,960
5/8″ X 3/4″ (fire flow meter) $4,235
1” (standard meter) $3,960
1″ (fire flow meter) $4,345
1.5”  and larger Actual charges for labor/ equipment/ materials
Previously Installed Single Family Residential Services:

Actual cost charged to District by contractor that installed the service with simple interest at 1.5% per annum from date of contractor billing to date of new meter installation; cost of meter (and box and setter if applicable) multiplied by 1.15 mark-up is charged in addition; applies to 5/8” by 3/4” and 1” meters only

*If work site conditions such as flowing sand, ground water saturation or any other condition that would require open trenching instead of pneumatic boring then install will be subject to actual costs of labor, equipment and materials

District Labor and Equipment

·    Labor provided by the District will be charged at 2.0 times the applicable employee’s hourly wage rate.
·    Engineering services provided through the District will be charged out at 1.15 times the current contracted hourly rate with the District.
·    District owned equipment will be charged out as set forth below, which shall henceforth be adjusted by staff as deemed necessary by inflation (based on the consumer price index published by the United States Department of Labor or urban consumers covering the area in which the District is located).  The rate for newly acquired equipment not appearing on the schedule may be added by the General Manager from time to time using a reasonably equivalent valuation method, adjusted as necessary, as for existing equipment. Rented equipment will be charged out at 1.25 times the actual rental cost.


Equipment Charge Out Rates

Equipment Type Hourly Rate/    Minimum Hours
Air Compressor $3.97/1
Pressure Washer $4.81/1
Gas Monitor $4.94/1
Chain Saw $5.45/1
Cut Off Saw $6.40/1
Leaf Blower $5.94/1
Generator $4.99/1
Vault Pump $7.68/1
Compactor/Foot $5.94/1
Compactor/Plate $5.94/1
Jackhammer $6.65/1
Concrete Saw $9.24/1
Locator $13.21/1
Leak Detector $19.24/1
Vehicle/ Dump $20.00/1
Vehicle/ Work $25.00/1
Vehicle/ Light Duty $20.00/1
Vac Trailer $75.00/ 1


Temporary Water Meter Fee 1” deposit $150 / daily rent $20 / usage $3.00 per CCF/ permit fee $25
2” deposit $600 / daily rent $20 / usage $3.00 per CCF/ permit fee $25
Meter Reinstallation Fee $75
Unauthorized Meter Tamper Fee $200 per event
Unauthorized Use of Water Fee  (non fire hydrants) $200 per unauthorized use
Unauthorized Fire Hydrant Use $500  per unauthorized use
Meter Maintenance Fee: $75