JANUARY 10, 2023
The meeting was held at Diamond Knot, 5602 232nd St. SW, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043.
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical; Members of the Staff, Advisory Committee and General Public.
Notice of the meeting containing the agenda items was posted as required by RCW 42.30.080 and covered the following topics:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:01 PM.
New Business:
Mr. Kerley gave a presentation recognizing the accomplishments of the Staff, Advisory Committee, Contract Professionals and the Board of Commissioners during 2022 which included a time lapse video of the McKinnon Pumphouse construction in 2022 in review, prepared by Steve Mundall.
President Donahue presented the 2022 LFPWD Water Protector of the Year Award to Kim Josund of the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation.
Discussion and comments followed the presentation.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
JANUARY 24, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference: Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer.
The meeting was held in- person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Donahue at 6:07 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for December 2022.
Mr. Richard Jonson entered the meeting at 6:15 PM
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:20 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Zehner compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on December 12th and 20th 2022 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports. Mr. Zehner also noted that the scheduled revenue bond payments in the amount of $121,093.20 had been made.
Approval of December 2022 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of November vouchers nos. 119085 through 119121 in the amount of $501,578.09 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the December 22, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes as edited and January 10, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Selection of Officers: A motion was made to nominate the following officers for 2023 (and to remain until their successors are seated): David Hammond as President, Bill Donahue as Treasurer and Eli Zehner as Secretary. Motion was seconded. Mr. Zehner and Mr. Hammond thanked Mr. Donahue for his excellent work as president during the past year. Motion passed.
Mr. Hammond took over as President of the Board and acted as chair for the remainder of the meeting.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Approval of 2023 Budget: Tabled.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley reported that the AdCom sub-committee had just held a meeting and that the draft plan was progressing and is expected to be presented to the Board at the February Board meeting.
Attorney Report: None.
Advisory Committee Report: Minutes from the last three AdCom meetings were given to the Board for review prior to the meeting. Mr. Kerley informed the Board that Casey Sundin has resigned as an AdCom Member. Mr. Kerley also informed the Board that the AdCom Charter is in need of an update and that the item will be included as part of the AdCom’s work plan. A discussion was held on recruiting new AdCom members.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for December was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for December was reviewed. See attached. The McKinnon Wellfield Pumphouse Project and the side sewer connection for the project was discussed in detail.
Public Comment:
Mr. Zehner reported on a WASWD Retrospective Rating Program meeting and he also gave an update on proposed legislature bills that WASWD is monitoring.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM.
FEBRUARY 28, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Richard Jonson, Attorney. By Zoom teleconference: Dan Mundall, Engineer.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:03 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for January 2023.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:37 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on January 5th and 19th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of January 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of January vouchers nos. 119122 through 119163 in the amount of $244,203.14 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the January 24, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Employee Sick Time: A motion was made to grant a one-time adjustment of 40 hours of sick time for each full-time non-exempt employee and a pro-rated amount based on hours worked for part time employees. The motion was seconded. After discussion an amendment of the main motion was made granting a one-time adjustment of 32 hours of sick time for part time employees. Amended motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Ballinger Way (37th Ave NE to 40th Ave NE) Watermain Replacement PRV: Mr. Kerley introduced the item and a discussion was held after which a motion was made to approve the purchase of the materials needed for a unique PRV vault and appurtenances to be installed as part of the Ballinger Way (37th Ave NE to 40th Ave NE) Watermain Replacement Project. Motion did not pass.
McKinnon Well #2 Variable Frequency Drive and Wiring for McKinnon Well #4: Mr. Kerley introduced the item and a discussion was held after which a motion was made to approve the purchase of the needed materials and components to install a VFD on McKinnon Deep Well #2 and to purchase the wiring for McKinnon Deep Well #4. Motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Approval of 2023 Budget: A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2023 Budget subject to some minor formatting changes. Motion was approved.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
ADCOM Climate Action Plan: Mr. Kerley reported that an AdCom sub-committee meeting is scheduled for March 6th.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson reported on the extra cost claim by Burke Electrical.
Advisory Committee Report: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that Sally Yamasaki has resigned from the Advisory Committee.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for January was reviewed. See attached. Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he was pleased with the replacement pressure washer that the District has purchased.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for January was reviewed. See attached. The McKinnon Wellfield Pumphouse Project, the Seattle City Light service for the new pumphouse and the side sewer connection for the project were discussed in detail.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported on membership types under consideration for the WASWD (Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts) Retrospective Rating Program. He also gave an update on proposed legislature bills that WASWD and WUC (Washington Utilities Council) is monitoring. Mr. Zehner also noted that new lead and copper rules would soon be forthcoming from the Dept. of Health.
Public Comment: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 PM.
MARCH 28, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Dan Mundall, Engineer. By Zoom teleconference: None.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:03 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for February 2023.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:15 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on February 9th and 16th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of February 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of February vouchers nos. 119164 through 119197 in the amount of $43,691.01 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the February 28, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Approval of LFPWD Climate Action Plan: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Climate Action Plan. After discussion, the motion was passed and the General Manager was directed to complete a prioritized risk assessment and work plan to implement the policies set forth in the plan. The Board complimented the Advisory Committee for all of the excellent work that was put into creating the Climate Action Plan.
Ratify Purchase of 5,000 Gallon Holding Tank for the McKinnon Pumphouse Project: A motion was made and seconded to ratify the purchase of the 5,000-gallon holding tank. After brief discussion, the motion was passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings: None.
Attorney Report: None
Advisory Committee Report: Mr. Kerley reported that a shared AdCom calendar has been created and includes upcoming public outreach events.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for February was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for February was reviewed. See attached. The Seattle City Light service and District purchased pressure reducing valves for the new pumphouse were discussed in detail.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that he had recently attended the Section 3 and Section 4 WASWD (Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts) meetings and that there is funding available for the upcoming lead and copper rules. The funding deadline is at the end of April 2023. Mr. Kerley was asked to research this and apply for funding if necessary.
Senate Bill 5466 was brought up by Mr. Donahue. This bill has the potential to rapidly increase service connections and water demand for water districts.
Public Comment: None.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.
APRIL 17, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference – Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for March 2023.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:22 PM.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:32 PM.
Treasurer’s Report: Tabled.
Approval of March 2023 Vouchers: Tabled.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the March 28, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Ratify Purchase of Pressure Reducing Valve for McKinnon Pumphouse Project: Mr. Kerley reviewed the circumstances of purchase order. Discussion followed. A motion was made and seconded to ratify the purchase of a 2.5-inch Solenoid Control Valve with Stainless Steel Anti-Cavitation Baskets in the amount of 5,542.00. Motion Passed.
Staff was asked to prepare a summary of the remaining out of contract costs for the pumphouse project for budgeting purposes.
Ratify Scope of Service Agreement with the Watershed Company: Mr. Kerley reviewed the requirement for a tree assessment for a proposed water main replacement project on Ballinger Way and the efforts to obtain proposals. Discussion followed. A motion was made and seconded to ratify the General Manager’s decision to enter into a Scope of Services Agreement with the Watershed Company to perform a tree assessment and arborist report for the Ballinger Way 37th Ave NE to 40th Pl NE Watermain Replacement Project prior to permit submittal to the City of Lake Forest Park in an amount not to exceed $7,200. Motion Passed.
WASDOT SR 104 Lyon Creek Fish Passage Project Inclusion and Agreement: Mr. Kerley presented the proposed agreement with WASDOT. Discussion followed including comments by counsel. A motion was made and seconded to include the relocation of LFPWD facilities that are in conflict with the SR 104 Lyon Creek Fish Passage Project in the WSDOT Construction Contract to realize cost savings in construction, permitting and contract administration and to authorize the General Manager to enter into a Utility Construction Agreement with WSDOT. Motion passed.
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (a) (ii): President Hammond called an executive session under RCW 42.30.110 (a) (ii) to discuss infrastructure security for the McKinnon Creek Pumphouse area for approximately 10 minutes at 7:03 PM. At 7:12 PM the executive session was ended and the special meeting resumed. A motion was made and seconded to solicit bids for critical infrastructure fencing and to have survey work completed as needed. Motion passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items:
Upcoming Public Outreach Events: This item was included in the General Manager’s Report. See attached.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings: None.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson had nothing new to report.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for March was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for March was reviewed. See attached. The Seattle City Light service connection was discussed in detail.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that he had attended the WASWD (Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts) Spring Conference. He gave a summary of presentations on PFAS, biosolid testing and middle housing legislation by the Department of Commerce.
Public Comment: None.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.
MAY 23, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference – Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:02 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for April 2023.
Commissioner Zehner entered the meeting at 6:18 PM.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:26 PM.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:27 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on March 9th and 15th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of March 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of March vouchers nos. 119198 through 119233 in the amount of $88,490.88 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on April 6th and 20th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of April 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of March vouchers nos. 119234 through 119283 in the amount of $276,769.58 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the April 17, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Potential Reschedule or Cancellation of July Board Meeting: The Board will address this issue next month.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items:
PWTF Contract Extension: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that the Public Works Board approved the District’s request for a one-year contract extension and that he had signed the contract extension agreement on the District’s behalf. A motion was made and seconded to ratify the General Manager’s execution of the contract extension. Motion passed.
Fencing: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he met with two neighboring property owners about fencing at the McKinnon Wellfield.
Draft Climate Action Plan Risk Assessment and Plan Implementation: Mr. Kerley presented the draft document. Discussion and comment followed, after which the Board requested further development of the document.
McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Remaining Tasks and Materials for Startup and Full Facility Operation: A spreadsheet detailing the tasks, materials and costs for items not included in the construction contract was presented to the Board by Mr. Dan Mundall. The tasks and materials were listed by immediate, six-month and future timelines. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to authorize the General Manger to procure and perform the items detailed in the immediate timeline section of the spreadsheet. After further discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed to amend the main motion to also include the items detailed in the six-month timeline of the spreadsheet. After discussion the amended main motion was passed.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
Public Outreach Events: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that there would be an upcoming McKinnon Wellfield tour with City of Lake Forest Park Council members and Council candidates. The date has not yet been determined. He also informed the Board that the District would be providing water for the Shoreline School District Fun Run.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson had nothing new to report.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for April was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for April was reviewed. See attached.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that he attended a WASWD (Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts) Section 3 meeting. He reported that the Washington State Department of Commerce would be offering grants for solar and energy efficiency. He also reported on ESHB 1329 and a contractual backflow testing program that was presented in the Small Districts Committee.
Mr. Kerley reported that the District’s Water Facilities Inventory has been updated with the DOH Office of Drinking Water and this has resulted in less water quality testing requirements.
Mr. Hammond asked staff to research and consider switching web domains and to consider a consent agenda for routine agenda items.
Public Comment: None.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
June 14, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, Bill Donahue, David Hammond
Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Candidates for City of Lake Forest Park Council and Mayor and Members of the General Public (Sign in Sheet Attached)
The meeting was convened at 18460 47th Pl NE, Lake Forest Park, WA.
Notice of the meeting was posted at the site, the District Office and on the District’s website as required by law and covered the following topic as set forth in the meeting notice:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 7:02 PM.
New Action Items:
McKinnon Wellfield Walkthrough: Mr. Kerley led a walkthrough and tour of the McKinnon Wellfield and facilities summarizing the recent work done on the McKinnon Pumphouse Project and the efforts to preserve and protect the District’s wellfields.
Commissioner Donahue exited the meeting at 8:15 PM.
The walkthrough continued with a visit to the property at the corner of 46th Ave and NE 187th Street.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM
JUNE 27, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference – Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:00 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for May 2023.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:06 PM.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:23 PM.
Treasurer’s Report:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on May 4th, 18th and 25th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of May 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of May vouchers nos. 119284 through 119331 in the amount of $123,146.87 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made and seconded to approve the May 23, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes and June 14, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes. Motion passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Potential Reschedule or Cancellation of July Board Meeting: After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to cancel the Regular Board meeting scheduled for July 25th 2023. Motion passed.
New Informational Items: None.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
Fencing: Mr. Kerley informed the Board that recent work focused on vegetation removal along the proposed fence line and locating and marking existing survey markers.
Draft Climate Action Plan Risk Assessment and Plan Implementation: Mr. Kerley presented the revised document that included implementation goals for 2023 and 2024. After discussion and comment, Mr. Kerley asked the Board for approval. A motion was made and seconded for approval. Motion passed
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson had nothing new to report.
Advisory Committee Report:
Mr. Kerley stated that the District was fortunate to have Advisory Committee members such as Brian Saunders. He is a teacher by profession and provided excellent assistance during the fourth-grade science unit on ground water that the District presented recently at Lake Forest Park Elementary. A discussion was held on the recent public outreach events attended by the Advisory Committee, staff and commissioners.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for May was reviewed. See attached.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for May was reviewed. See attached.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that he has been following recently passed housing legislation and that there is currently an excellent article on the subject that can be found on the My Edmonds News website. A discussion was held and the Board directed staff and Engineering to update the District’s capital projects list for inflation so that the capital charges can be re-evaluated and also directed staff to include the Water System Plan Update on the agenda for the next Board meeting.
New Action Items:
Mr. Mundall, Mr. Jonson and Mr. Kerley exited the meeting at 7:48 PM.
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g) to review performance of a public employee: President Hammond called for an executive session at 7:48 PM for approximately 20 minutes. At 8:10 PM, President Hammond publicly announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 15 minutes. At 8:25 PM the executive session was exited and the regular meeting resumed.
Mr. Kerley re-entered the meeting at 8:25 PM.
The Commissioner’s thanked Mr. Kerley for his excellent work during the review period.
A motion was made and seconded to award Mr. Kerley a 6% wage increase effective January 1st of 2023 and also 75% of the performance award for the objectives previously established for the review period; that effective July 1st 2023, his hourly wage be set at $55.00; and that an additional 40 hours of vacation with the option to cash out at year end be added to his compensation. Motion passed.
Public Comment:
Mr. Kerley reported that Deborah Johnson, the Wellhead Protection Program Coordinator for DOH Office of Drinking Water will be attending the next board meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM.
AUGUST 22, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference – Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely using Zoom. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:01 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed the vouchers for June and July 2023.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:17 PM.
Treasurer’s Reports:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on June 8th and 22nd 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports. He also noted a Bond payment in the amount of $23,782.80.
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on July 6th and 20th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of June 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of June vouchers nos. 119332 through 119370 in the amount of $104,642.80 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of July 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of July vouchers nos. 119371 through 119409 in the amount of $60,396.24 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made and seconded to approve the June 27, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as amended. Motion passed.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:46 PM.
New Action Items: None.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items:
Water System Plan: A discussion was held on System Development Charges (SDC) after which the Board directed staff to get quotes from outside agencies to review the District’s SDC and methodology. Staff was also directed to detail what is needed for a System Plan Update.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for June / July was reviewed. The WSDOT culvert upgrade at Ballinger Way and 30th Ave NE was discussed in detail. See attached.
Mr. Mundall exited the meeting at 7:30 PM.
New Informational Items, Continued:
Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g) to review performance of a public employee: President Hammond called for an executive session at 7:30 PM for approximately 10 minutes. The executive session was concluded at 7:39 PM and the regular meeting resumed.
Forest Management Plan:
Mr. Kerley informed the Board of an upcoming site visit at the McKinnon Wellfield with a Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources Service Forester on August 30th at 11:00 AM.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
Fencing: Mr. Kerley informed the Board about survey work along the proposed fence line at the McKinnon Creek Pumphouse.
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson had nothing new to report.
Advisory Committee Report:
Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that Brian Saunders is resigning from the Advisory Committee. Mr. Kerley stated how important the Advisory Committee has been to the District’s public outreach efforts. A discussion was held on the efforts to recruit new AdCom members.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for June / July was reviewed. The recent watermain repairs were discussed in detail. See attached.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that he would be attending the WASWD Fall Conference on the District’s behalf. He also stated that he has continued to attend the Washington Water Utility Council meetings and that the WUCC is drafting a response to the Dept. of Ecology’s Draft Policy Update.
Public Comment:
Mr. Kerley reported that Deborah Johnson, the Wellhead Protection Program Coordinator for DOH Office of Drinking Water, will be attending the September Board meeting. He also reported that an insurance check was received for the damaged hydrant at NE 178th St, and Ballinger Way and that the District is registered for the Picnic in the Park event held on September 9th.
Mr. Kerley also informed the Board that Sound Transit met with the District about connecting to our watermain in the vicinity of where Ballinger Way and Bothell Way meet and several options were discussed. The Board directed staff to look into the possibility of extending the District’s water main.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services. By Zoom teleconference – Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Deborah Johnson, Wellhead Protection Program Coordinator for Washington State Department of Health Office of Drinking Water.
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely using Zoom. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Donahue at 6:02 PM.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed vouchers for August 2023.
Mr. Mundall entered the meeting at 6:04 PM.
Commissioner Hammond entered the meeting at 6:08 PM.
New Informational Items:
Source Water Protection: (Deborah Johnson from Washington State Dept of Health)
Deborah Johnson gave a presentation titled Managing Risk Through Source Water Protection.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:24 PM.
After the presentation, a brief question and answer period was held.
Deborah Johnson exited the meeting at 7:03 PM.
Treasurer’s Reports:
Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on August 3rd and 17th 2023 against King County Warrant Reports. The Treasurer compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. The Treasurer reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.
Approval of August 2023 Vouchers: Deferred to next month.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made and seconded to approve the August 22, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
Advisory Committee Charter: The proposed changes to the Adcom Charter was deferred to next month.
Action Items from Previous Meeting: None.
New Informational Items Continued:
PFAS: Mr. Kerley provided updated testing costs to the Board. A discussion was held, after which the Board directed Mr. Kerley to bring additional information about PFAS testing to the next Board Meeting.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
Water System Plan: A discussion was held on whether a plan update was necessary to review and update CIP costs and the feasibility of adjusting of System Development Charges (SDC) and monthly capital charges without formally amending the plan. Mr. Kerley provided estimated costs from outside financial consultants to review the District’s SDC and capital cost recovery methodology. After discussion, staff was directed to review and present possible adjustments to the Capital Improvement Plan and obtain additional financial consultant proposals for review of the District’s SDC and methodology.
Fencing: Item covered in G.M. Report
Forest Management Plan: Item covered in G.M. Report
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson had nothing new to report.
Advisory Committee Report:
Mr. Kerley reported to the Board that Amanda Royal is resigning from the Advisory Committee. She hopes to return.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for August was reviewed.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for August was reviewed.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that he Is now the Section IV Chair and Vice President of the Washington Association of Water and Sewer Districts (WASWD). He also reported that he had attended the WASWD Fall Conference on the District’s behalf.
Public Comment: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM.
OCTOBER 24, 2023
Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond, Bill Donahue
Others present – In-Person: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager. By Zoom teleconference – Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney
The meeting was held in-person at the District office (4029 NE 178th St., Lake Forest Park, WA 98155) and remotely using Zoom. The meeting agenda with call-in information was posted on the District’s website in advance of the meeting to give the general public the option to participate remotely.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Hammond at 6:00 PM.
Approval of Agenda:
A motion was made and seconded for approval. Motion passed.
Review of Vouchers:
The Commissioners reviewed vouchers for August and September 2023.
Mr. Jonson entered the meeting at 6:24 PM.
Treasurer’s Reports: The September Treasurer’s report was deferred until next month’s meeting.
Approval of August 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of August vouchers nos. 119409B through 119444 in the amount of $87,659.26 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of September 2023 Vouchers:
The Commissioners, having reviewed the certified expense vouchers, found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of September vouchers nos. 119445 through 119479 in the amount of $53,421.18 was moved and seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made and seconded to approve the September 26, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion passed.
New Action Items:
4001 NE 186th St. Service line leak: Mr. Kerley informed the Board about the circumstances regarding a leak on the service and repair of the meter setter. After discussion, the Board concurred that due to the complexities of the situation, a decision to grant relief or reimburse costs cannot be made unless the customer completes a claim form and brings it to the Board for consideration.
Authorize G.M. to enter into a Restated Contract with the HCA Public Employees Benefit Board: A motion was made and seconded to authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with The Washington State Health Care Authority.
Ratify G.M. decision to purchase a replacement blower motor for the vactor unit in the amount of $4,859.82: A motion was made and seconded for approval. Motion passed.
Action Items from Previous Meeting:
Advisory Committee Charter: The Board requested additional language be added to the charter.
New Informational Items Continued:
PFAS: Mr. Kerley provided information on treatment methods and testing costs to the Board. Mr. Jonson informed the Board about the class action lawsuits and opt out deadlines. If the District does nothing, it will be bound by the settlements. Discussion followed whether it was in the best interest of the District to participate in the settlements or opt out. A motion was made, seconded and passed to direct staff and counsel to prepare the documents to opt out if the District so chooses with a spending amount not to exceed $5,000.00. The Board then directed Mr. Kerley to test the District’s water sources for PFAS as soon as possible.
Informational Items from Previous Meetings:
Water System Plan: Mr. Dan Mundall updated the Board on the progress of the adjustments to the Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he has not been successful in obtaining additional financial consultant proposals for review of the District’s System Development Charges and charging methodology. The Board directed Mr. Kerley to recommend a consultant and to bring a services agreement to the Board for approval.
Fencing: Item covered in G.M. Report
Forest Management Plan: Item covered in G.M. Report
Attorney Report: Mr. Jonson had nothing new to report.
Advisory Committee Report: None.
General Manager’s Report:
The GM Report for September was reviewed. The Forest Management Plan was discussed in detail.
Engineer’s Report:
The Engineer’s Report for September was reviewed.
Mr. Mundall exited the meeting at 8:45 PM.
Board Report:
Mr. Zehner reported that the Washington Association of Water and Sewer Districts (WASWD) would soon have the ability for online membership applications and that the Spring conference will have administrator training.
Public Comment: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.