The Lake Forest Park Water District is seeking volunteers for the Lake Forest Park Water District Advisory Committee (ADCOM).

Our work consists of monthly meetings where we discuss opportunities to engage in educating the public about our Aquifer and the water it provides us without requiring treatment

We do events such as the Plant Exchange, STEM Festival, Picnic in the Park, and many other events all decided collaboratively with the Advisory Committee.

To become an ADCOM member is an incredible opportunity to learn about this resource, help to protect it, and bring this knowledge to the people of our city.

We’ve been operating the Advisory Committee (ADCOM) for about 9 years and have made a great deal of progress in learning about our water and aquifer.

ADCOM membership does not require any previous experience within public utilities. Residents 16 years or older within the District’s service area / corporate boundary or within the District’s Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) is all that’s needed. Terms are for one year.

Here are some comments from a few of our former and current members:

Tracy F.:  ADCOM was a great education for me.  You learn a lot about the community within the Lake Forest Park Water District, how it connects with other parts of the city and neighboring cities.  One of the best experiences I had was helping my college students map the catchment area for the water district aquifer (which is mostly in the backyard of our neighbors in Brier) then translating the information to show LFP Elementary Students where their water comes from.  I’d recommend anyone being served by the water district to take a turn at learning where their water comes from and how we each have the power to make sure it stays “naturally pure”.

Julie H:  Having been a part of ADCOM and still feeling like a member though I’m retired, I can say is a most gratifying part of my life building community awareness of the special gift of our water and doing it in concert with a group of dedicated fellow citizens of Lake Forest Park was personally rewarding and made me feel a truly useful part of the community.  It’s satisfying to see at public events ADCOM members take part in how people enjoy discovering this resource of which they weren’t aware.

Presentations at local schools have been a particularly worthwhile aspect of the ADCOMS work, helping young people learn about the wealth of our area and learning how they can help preserve and use it wisely.

I encourage anyone who wants a great education about the area we live in to consider volunteering for ADCOM and enjoying doing good while having fun and comradeship with your neighbors.

Amanda R:  The ADCOM group provided me insight into how special and unique LAKE FOREST PARK is!  The pristine aquifer that provides drinking water, the amazing ADCOM members who all have a deep history living in LFP, the extraordinary commitment of the commissioners, the curiosity for the community and the super district manager, Alan K. who truly cares about the quality of the water and the people of LFP!

This experience for me filled 3 major gaps.  Science, Outreach, and Connecting with the LFP community.  Science Night at the schools was a great venue to teach hundreds of kids and parents about LFP drinking water.  It was wonderful to see citizens of LFP so interested in our local water source and to learn what a gem it is at our outreach events.  The 4th grade science unit was so much fun, and it was great to see the kids eager to ask questions.  The Brier parade experience I will always remember!

Eric S:  The ADCOM has been a fascinating learning path for me, participating in the CARA (Critical Aquifer Recharge Area)  defining,  learning about the aquifers in Western Washington, the aquifer that LFPWD taps, how the wells and pumps work, how the water is tested and what our boundaries are.

I also am proud to represent the Water District in engaging with the public at various gatherings such as the STEM Festival, Green Fair, and the like to educate people on how special our water is and how it is protected.

Our 4th Grade Education program at the local elementary schools is just plain fun and educates the 4th graders on everything from what an aquifer is and is not to how long it takes to get water from the aquifer recharge areas to our wells.

Alan K: Although I am not technically part of the Advisory Committee, as the General Manager of the District I feel so very fortunate to be able to collaborate and participate with such a wonderful group of volunteers. We have accomplished so much together to educate and protect our wonderful award winning water!

Armand M:  I’ve been a member of ADCOM since its inception about 9 years ago.  I joined because I value our water and was looking for an opportunity to grow and do something meaningful.  I had no background in water, but was passionate about protecting our water source so I applied in hopes I could find a way to serve.

Over the years I have learned so much about our water and what makes it exceptional.  Working with the GM, Commissioners, ADCOM members and all the others who are part of this operation has been an honor and a privilege.  I consider the work we do to be LEGACY WORK in that long after we have moved on, what we strive to protect will continue to serve our community.

These are only a few statements from members past and present.  We’ve all come away with a deep and abiding respect for this resource and the care that goes into maintaining it.

Come be a part of our team!

To apply, please use the form HERE or found on our website under the “INFO” tab.  Please e-mail the completed application to: or drop it by the office during business hours.

Armand Micheline (ADCOM member)