JANUARY 20, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by Commissioner Zehner, who acted as Chairman, at 8:04 AM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda, with the addition of the February 2015 Board Meeting topic, was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Approval of December Vouchers

New Business

Potential Joint Meeting with North City Water District- A discussion was held in regard to possible dates and times for a joint Board Meeting with North City Water District to discuss issues we have in common.

February Board Meeting
Due to President’s Day, the regularly scheduled Board Meeting for February will be moved to February 19th and will be a Special Meeting.

Mr. Hammond exits the meeting at 8:24 AM
Mr. Jonson enters the meeting at 8:26 AM
Mr. Mundall enters the meeting at 8:26 AM

Executive Session
The Chairman called an executive session for an approximate length of 15 minutes at 8:28 AM for the purpose of reviewing with counsel pending litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). At 8:45 the executive session concluded and the regular session of the meeting was reconvened.

Mr. Zehner exited the meeting at 8:47 AM and the meeting was recessed.
Mr. Hammond returned and the meeting was reconvened at 9:03 AM.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the December 15 2014 meeting minutes as edited was moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Lyon Creek Culvert Replacement (Bothell Way) Casing

A discussion was held in regard to casing material size. The Commissioners directed staff to obtain engineer’s estimates for 18” and 36” steel casing.

Corporate and Service Boundaries with North City Water District
Mr. Kerley reported on ongoing contract discussions with North City Water District about revising service areas and transferring customers.

LFP Towne Center Fire Flow Easement and Bill of Sale
Mr. Kerley reported that he had sent a letter to Merlone Geier stating the importance of completing the terms of the developer extension agreement as soon as possible. The Fire Marshall for Northshore Fire Department has also sent a letter outlining the urgent situation to Merlone Geier. Since Seattle PUD has terminated its water line to the mall, currently there is insufficient fire flow to the Town Center.

Open Public Meeting/ Record Retention/ Public Records Requests Training
Commissioner and staff training have been completed.

General Manager’s Report – Discussion. The General Manager’s report was reviewed. Mr. Kerley discussed unaccounted for water, leak detection efforts, the recent power outage, a vandalism event at the low tank and the need to replace aging water meters. Quotes were obtained and the lowest and best quote was for $52.90 per meter from H.B Jaeger.

A motion was made and duly seconded to purchase 100 water meters from H.B Jaeger for the quoted price. Motion passed unanimously.

Engineer’s Report – Mr. Mundall reported on:

Source and Supply Improvements in WHPA (PWTF 2013)- Permitting applications have not been submitted to the City.

Comprehensive Plan Status- Nearing completion. Commissioner Donahue requested a copy of a preliminary draft.

PWTF 2016- No change.

Open Discussion

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.





FEBRUARY 12, 2015

Commissioners present: David Hammond, William Donahue, Eli Zehner

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting commenced at 5:02 PM at the District office at 4029 NE 178th St. Lake Forest Park.

Resolution 356: Final Acceptance of the Town Center Fire Flow Water Main and Appurtenances: Mr. Kerley presented a fully executed bill of sale, easement, deposit agreements and signed checks from the new owner of the Town Center Mall. He stated that the previous owner remained bound to the developer extension agreement and has apparently left it to the new owner to complete the process. He noted that based on legal advice, it appears that the reimbursement amount arising from the short section of main installed on Ballinger would be payable to the Previous owner if final acceptance is granted. After discussion, a motion to approve Resolution 356 was made and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Dates for City of Lake Forest Park Negotiations: A discussion occurred in regard to possible dates for a negotiation meeting with the City of Lake Forest Park.

Potential Customers: A discussion was held about two potential customer’s. Mr. Kerley was directed to bring additional information to the next Board Meeting.

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing Project: The Engineer’s estimate for 18” and 36” casing was reviewed. Staff was directed to go ahead with design for the 18” casing.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 PM.




FEBRUARY 19, 2015

Commissioners present: David Hammond, William Donahue, Eli Zehner

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Patty Cornaby, Admin. Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Dick Jonson, District Attorney. Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

North City Water District Commissioners Charlotte Haines, Ron Ricker, General Manager Diane Pottinger and Attorney Andy Maron entered the meeting at 10:00 a.m. to conduct their own special meeting in conjunction with Lake Forest Park Water District meeting.

Call to Order- The meeting commenced at 8:03 AM at the District office at 4029 NE 178th St. Lake Forest Park.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Dick Jonson enters at 8:25 AM.
Dan Mundall enters at 8:28 AM.

Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Hammond reported the following fund balances through the end of January:
Maintenance $53.322.01
Capital Improvement $112,714.98
US Bank Deposit Account
PWTF $84,693.95
Petty Cash $503.25
Office Change Fund $200.00

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 1/8/2015 and 1/22/2015 against warrants drawn on such funds. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of December 2014 and January 2015 Vouchers
The Commissioners reviewed the expense vouchers presented for payment and the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of December 2014 vouchers 114599-114651 in the amount of $58,020.05 and January 2015 vouchers 114652-114702 in the amount of $40,675.41 were moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the January 20, 2015 and February 12, 2015 meeting minutes was moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Lyon Creek Culvert Replacement (Bothell Way) Casing- Design work through Davido Construction was $5,794.00 for design estimate of an 18 inch casing. City indicates this project may be delayed due to funding challenges.

LFP Towne Center Fire Flow Easement and Bill of Sale
The fire flow valve is active at the Town Center as of 2/13/2015. After many years of negotiations, successful completion of the terms of the Easement and Bill of Sale are complete and recorded with King County. Many thanks to Merlon Geier and MGP XI Town Center for completing this important project.

Potential Customers- Discussion followed concerning meter installation charges with respect to parcels for which a future stub and meter box were previously installed by water main installation contractors. Staff was directed to prepare a draft amendment to the District fee schedule to address these situations for consideration.

The Starbucks at the Town Center was discussed regarding the new Mall owner’s desire to have the District serve that business. Discussion was held regarding a ‘wheeling agreement’ that may be discussed with Merlon Geier and how to best meter Starbuck’s water use. Staff was directed to investigate the feasibility of adding Starbucks as a customer.

North City Water District Commissioners Charlotte Haines, Ron Ricker. General Manager Diane Pottinger and Attorney Andy Maron entered the meeting at 10:00 AM and their meeting was called to order for the purpose of discussing a draft agreement to adjust boundaries and customers.

Discussion was held regarding common boundary issues, changes in customer assignments, the City improvement project along NE 178th and related issues.

General Managers were instructed to study water pressure zones, water chemistry, rates and connection charges of the two water districts. There was general agreement that another meeting should be scheduled in early March.

North City Water District Board Meeting adjourns at 11:45 AM and the parties took a break and the North City commissioners, manager and attorney exited.

The meeting of the Lake Forest Park Water District Board of Commissioners resumed.

Executive Session
The Chairman called an executive session for an approximate length of an hour at 12:00 PM for the purpose of reviewing with counsel pending litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). At 12:55 PM the executive session concluded and the regular session of the meeting was reconvened. Mr. Jonson left the meeting.

General Manager’s Report – Discussion.

Engineer’s Report – None

Open Discussion –
Staff was instructed to study WA State Water Banking for the District to see if with our water district would benefit from the DOE program.

Board President Eli Zehner read two emails by concerned customers regarding the proposed McKinnon Creek Trail through the LFPWD Watershed. Cheryl Brady and Sarah Zerkel both raised concerns that a trail would have a negative impact on our natural water source. Mr. Zehner is meeting with concerned customers on 2/23/2015. Emails will be attached to minutes.

Alan Kerley indicated several customers visited the District Offices inquiring as to issues regarding the proposed trail through the District Watershed and their concerns regarding protection of our water source.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM.





MARCH 10, 2015

Commissioners present: LFPWD: David Hammond, William Donahue, Eli Zehner
NCWD: Charlotte Haines, Ron Ricker, Larry Schoonmaker
Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager
NCWD: Diane Pottinger, District Manager, Andy Maron, District Attorney, Denny Clouse, Operations Manager, Barb Shosten, Finance Manager, Lanie Curry, Executive Assistant

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting commenced at 9:07 AM at the North City Water District Office at 1519 NE 177th St. Shoreline WA.

Continued Discussion of Draft of Interlocal Agreement to Adjust Boundaries and Provide for Water Service to Customers from 2/19/2015: A discussion occurred in regard to the Interlocal Agreement. After much discussion, no agreement was reached.

LFPWD portion of the meeting was adjourned at 10:13 AM.





MARCH 16, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by Commissioner Zehner, who acted as Chairman, at 8:05 AM.

Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Donahue reported the following fund balances through the end of February:
Maintenance $21,696.05
Capital Improvement $115,058.03
Backup Well Fund $0.00
PWTF $96,717.76
Petty Cash $503.25
Office Change Fund $200.00

Mr. Donahue compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 2/9/2015 & 2/19 & 2/20/2015 against warrants drawn on such funds. Mr. Donahue compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Donahue reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of February Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 114703-114760 in the amount of $66,452.03was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the February 19, 2015 and March 10, 2015 meeting minutes as edited were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- City of LFP is advertising bid opening. City is funding project through King County and State Legislature. The District Culvert is on the bid as a line item. Current City funding has a shortfall of $800,000.

Insurance Carrier- District is evaluating Enduris as an Insurance Carrier. At the next meeting staff is directed to have a cost/coverage evaluation.

Water Rights- Checks have been issued to King County to record LFPWD Water Rights Certificates.

New Business
City of Lake Forest Park Neil Jenson and Frank Zenk enter meeting at 8:58 AM.

NE 178th Street- City Staff and District Staff discuss brief history and current District position regarding NE 178th Project. District is now proceeding with plans to keep all customers along 178th and run new mains. City staff encouraged District to make use of City Contractor and Engineering firm as this would allow City to proceed with project without disruptions of additional contractors. District agreed to have amendment added to City project. A letter is being sent to North City outlining issues that ended negotiations regarding customers along NE 178th and will be CC’d to City Staff.

Additional Board Meetings- A suggestion was made to consider additional Board Meetings, Commissioners decided at this time to wait to see if more meetings are necessary in the next few months. Staff was encouraged to update Commissioner compensation for meetings to current standards.

Resolution 357- Resolution 357 a Resolution adding a new class of water service charge for customers who have had their own wells previously and choose to connect to our system and re adopting an updated Consolidated Rate Schedule was moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

NE 180th Street- A motion was made to authorize and direct staff, to direct and execute Public Works Roster to replace valve and potential crossing and replace steel main, and to authorize authority to bid up to $25,000. Motion passed unanimously.

April and June Board Meetings-
The regularly scheduled Board Meeting for April will be moved to April 13th; Board will initially meet at District Office then will hold a public meeting at a location yet to be decided. The June 8th Regular Board Meeting will be moved to June 17th and will be a Special Meeting.

Executive Session
The Chairman called an executive session for an approximate length of 15 minutes at 11:45 AM for the purpose of reviewing with counsel pending litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). At 12:00 PM the executive session concluded and the regular session of the meeting was reconvened.

General Manager’s Report – Discussion. The General Manager’s report was reviewed. Mr. Kerley discussed March 4th repair that went late into the night and appreciation of our staff.

Mr. Donahue exited the meeting at 12:00 PM.
Mr. Jonson exited the meeting at 12:03 PM.
Engineer’s Report – Mr. Mundall reported on:

Source and Supply Improvements in WHPA (PWTF 2013)- Sepa Review.

Comprehensive Plan Status- Nearing completion.

PWTF 2016- No change.

Open Discussion

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:19 PM.




APRIL 9, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner

Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 8:05 AM at the District Office.

Unfinished Business:

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing: The City included an optional 18” casing to cross Bothell Way in its bid advertisement and the low bid was reviewed. The optional bid amount for the crossing was within the District’s budget and discussion followed whether to participate in the project. The City will need to prepare an interlocal agreement to provide for the District’s participation. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to authorize the General Manager to notify the City that the District desires to proceed with Schedule C in the amount of $27,375.00, which is the 18” casing pipe crossing for LFPW as part of the City of Lake Forest Park’s Lyon Creek Flood Mitigation Project based on the optional bid amount in the low bid. Motion passed.

NE 180th St. Valve Replacement: The General Manager reviewed plans and a cost estimate for water main and valve work on 180th necessitated by the District retaining its customers in that area. The General Manager stated that he solicited bids for the work from contractors on the District’s small works contractor roster and B&B Utilities was the lowest and responsible bidder and had submitted a responsive bid that was within budget. After discussion, motion was made and seconded to award the work to B&B Utilities base on its bid and to authorize the General Manager to prepare and issue a small works construction contract for up to $35,000 for the work and to give notice to proceed to the contactor, B & B Utilities. Motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 AM.




APRIL 13, 2015

Commissioners present: David Hammond, William Donahue, Eli Zehner

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Patty Cornaby, Admin. Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Steve Mundall, Mundall Technical Services; Members of the general public for the public hearing portion of the meeting, sign in sheet attached.

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by President Zehner at 5:32 PM at the District office at 4029 NE 178th St. Lake Forest Park.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Review of March 2015 Vouchers
The Commissioners reviewed the expense vouchers presented for payment. The Treasurer’s report and formal action on the approval were deferred to a subsequent meeting.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the March 16, 2015 meeting minutes, as edited, was moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business
Lyon Creek Culvert Replacement (Bothell Way) Casing
Item was covered in the April 9th Special Meeting

Insurance Carrier
Item was tabled.

Water Rights
Superseding Certificates of Water Rights have been mailed by the Dept. of Ecology to King County for recording.

NE 180th St.
The General Manager reported that work has commenced.

New Business

Additional Board Meetings
Item was tabled.

Customer Communication
A discussion was held on whether or not the District should have a Twitter account. The Board expressed that it was a redundant form of communication, yet warranted future discussion.

General Manager’s Report
We have added a new customer at address 18961 45th Pl NE.

Shawn and I attended the WOW conference. I found the Corrosion Control, Water Audit and DOH Upcoming Rule Changes classes to be particularly helpful.

Field staff has begun replacing aged water meters.

Tanner has resigned his position here at the District.

Field staff is keeping up with the early spring. The facilities look great.

We have built a small retaining wall near the low tank. This allows us to get lift equipment in around the tank and protects the access road to well # 4.

Engineer’s Report – None

The Meeting was recessed at 6:37 PM and then reconvened at 7:00 PM at the SHORELINE CONFERENCE CENTER at 18560 1st Ave NE SHORELINE, WA 98155 in the Ballinger Room. Notices of the change in meeting location were posted at the District office and at the conference center.

Public Hearing
A presentation was given by Mr. Mundall on the Draft Source Water Protection Program. Public asked questions regarding potential McKinnon Creek Trail, trail alternatives and other issues regarding wellhead and aquifer protection. Customers also requested an Advisory Committee be formed to keep the customers informed and involved in LFPWD issues. Meeting sign in sheet attached. Advisory Committee sheet and a video of meeting attached as well.

Open Discussion –
The public stayed to ask questions and discuss issues relevant to District operations with staff and commissioners.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.





APRIL 23, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, David Hammond

Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Members of the General Public: Sarah Zerkel; Julie Hungar; John Foy

Mr. Hammond and Mr. Jonson attended by phone.

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 5:03 PM at the District Office.

New Business:

Potential Assumption of Lake Forest park Water District by the City of Lake Forest Park: A discussion was held.

Customer John Foy enters the meeting at 5:08PM

Commissioner Bill Donahue enters the meeting at 5:11PM

Discussion continued.

At 5:28 PM an Executive Session (RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) was called for approximately 30 minutes to discuss with counsel pending and potential litigation issues and the members of the general public then exited the meeting.

The Executive Session was exited at 6:00 PM and extended for an additional 15 minutes.

The Executive Session was exited at 6:15 PM and extended for an additional 15 minutes.

David Hammond exits the Meeting at 6:26 PM.

The Executive Session was exited at 6:30 PM.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:33 PM.




MAY 18, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant.

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 8:00 AM.

Julie Hungar enters the meeting at 8:01 AM

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 3/9/ & 3/10/2015 & 3/23/2015 against warrants drawn on such funds. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 4/9/2015 & 4/23/2015 against warrants drawn on such funds. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of March Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 114761-114816 in the amount of $51,699.30 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of April Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 114817-114879 in the amount of $55,470.72 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Richard Jonson enters the meeting at 8:28 AM

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the April 9, April 13 and April 23 2015 special meeting minutes as edited were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

James Apsitis enters the meeting at 8:37 AM

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- Mr. Kerley reported that he is still awaiting the interlocal agreement with the City of LFP. The City Council has approved the project.

NE 178th St- The City of LFP has re-bid the project. Bid opening is on May 20th.

NE 180th St- Project is complete. Awaiting engineer to issue recommendation of approval of the work and release of retainage.

New Business

Advisory Committee- Ms. Cornaby presented information regarding persons who wish to participate in a committee dealing with source protection in the McKinnon Creek Watershed. A motion was made and duly seconded to commence work to establish a Communications and Wellhead Protection Advisory Committee. Discussion at length followed. Motion passed unanimously. Staff was directed to draft a proposed charter, application form and selection process.

Julie Hungar exited the meeting at 9:37 AM

Abandoned/ Unused Wells- Mr. Kerley presented the Board with an estimated cost to decommission two old and recently discovered wells in the McKinnon Creek Wellfield. Mr. Kerley stated that upon inspection one of the wells appears to be a shallow well with a depth of 13 feet, not a deep well as stated in the Draft Water System Plan. Mr. Kerley also informed the Board that two additional abandoned/ unused wells that were identified during the course of preparation of the Draft System Plan have been located and that staff would do further research into the characteristics of these wells and determine whether decommissioning work was needed.

City Discussions- A joint public meeting with the City will be held later today at 6:00 PM

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

The new valve cluster and water main construction at NE 180th St. has been completed and is in service. A silt fence is still up around the area to protect the topsoil and allow the grass seed to take hold.

Staff and I repaired a watermain at 17510 NE 175th St.

We have hired on a temporary employee. His name is John Casalichio and he will be helping out with vegetation control and meter exchanges.

Meter reading and billing for the March/ April cycle has been completed.

The new prv at the Town Center had to be adjusted. After the billing cycle, we noticed that the majority of the water use was going through the new meter. We should have balanced water use from both meters now.

Field staff is busy replacing aged water meters. We have exchanged out 45 meters to date.

Mr. Apsitis left the meeting at 10:29 AM

Executive Session
The Chairman called an executive session for an approximate length of 45 minutes at 10:30 AM for the purpose of reviewing with counsel pending and potential litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and performance of a public employee per RCW 42.30.110(1)(g). At 11:15 AM the executive session was recessed and Mr. Jonson left the meeting. The Chairman announced that the executive session was extended for an additional 15 minutes for the performance review of the General Manager. At 11:30 AM the executive session was temporarily recessed and the Chairman announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 10 minutes for the same purpose. At 11:40 AM the executive session was temporarily recessed and the Chairman announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 10 minutes for the same purpose. At 11:50 AM the executive session concluded and the regular session of the meeting was reconvened.

The Board directed Mr. Kerley to bring a self-evaluation to the Board for the next meeting.

Engineer’s Report – None.

The Board reiterated that they would like sections of the Draft Water System Plan E-mailed to the Board for review. Discussion followed.

Open Discussion – None

The meeting was recessed at 12:08 PM to be reconvened at 6:00 pm at the Lake Forest Park City Hall. Notice was posted pursuant to RCW 42.30.090.

The meeting was reconvened at Lake Forest Park City Hall at 6:00 PM as a Joint Board/ Council Meeting. All commissioners and Mr. Kerley were present in addition to members of City Council and members of the public.

McKinnon Creek Trail- Discussion. A scope of work proposed by the City for analysis developing a trail in the McKinnon Creek Watershed was reviewed and discussed. The City Council and District Board agreed that the District would comment on the Draft Scope of Work for the McKinnon Watershed Evaluation at an upcoming meeting on May 20, 2015 at City Hall.

Franchise Renewal- Discussion of the District’s water system franchise which runs through 2018 followed. The City Council is looking forward to reviewing the District’s Water System Plan that is currently being drafted in connection with future discussions regarding franchise renewal. .

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM




MAY 20, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, David Hammond

The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at Lake Forest Park City Hall at 6:32 PM. All commissioners and Mr. Kerley were present in addition to members of City Council and members of the public.

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office more than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Notice was also posted at City Hall.

Mr. Donahue entered the meeting at 6:34 PM.

New Business:

Public Workshop McKinnon Creek Pathway
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.




JUNE 17, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer.

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 8:02 AM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and all of the Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 5/11/ & 5/26/2015 & 5/27/2015 against King County warrant reports. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of May Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 114880-114934 in the amount of $60,780.73 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Richard Jonson enters the meeting at 8:30 AM

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the May 18th Regular and May 20th 2015 Special Meeting Minutes were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- Mr. Kerley reported that a draft interlocal agreement with the City of LFP has been sent to the City. The City Council has approved the project. District is awaiting a response. A motion was made to authorize staff to sign an interlocal agreement with City of LFP regarding the Bothell Way Project, subject to legal review of any City changes to contract. Motion passed unanimously.

NE 178th St- The City of LFP has accepted a bid and the City Council has approved the project. Mr. Kerley recommended that the District utilize the City’s contractor to perform the water main work. The District part of the project is now $111,662.63 reflecting additional traffic and mobilization costs. Staff was directed to contact City Staff and inquire as to those costs. A motion was made to participate in the project subject to execution of an interlocal agreement with the City and to authorize staff to sign an interlocal agreement with City of LFP regarding 178th Project, subject to legal review of any City changes to contract. Motion passed unanimously.

Abandoned/Unused Wells- A motion was made to authorize, after legal review, the District Manager to enter into a $14,500 contract with Hokkaido Drilling Inc. to abandon 3 wells in compliance with the State of WA DOE. A discussion was held regarding the wells and project. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Mundall enters meeting at 9:44 AM.

New Business

Advisory Committee Charter- A draft charter for a proposed advisory committee was presented, reviewed and changes were made. After discussion, a motion was made to accept the Advisory Committee Charter as amended. Motion passed unanimously.

Advisory Committee Selection- Eight applications for membership on the advisory committee were presented and discussed. After discussion, a motion was made to appoint all eight candidates (the first four applicants for three year terms and the remaining four for two year terms) Amand Micheline, Jim Adams, Julie Hungar, Eric Strom, Sarah Zerkel, Tracy Furutani, Sally Yamasaki and Fred Becker and to allow up to 9 Committee persons. Motion passed unanimously.

Reschedule July Board Meeting- A motion was made to reschedule the July Board meeting to July 14th, 2015 due to vacation schedules of Board members. Motion was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Draft Water System Plan- Moved to Engineer’s report.

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

Staff repaired some fencing near the District pump house, repaired a leak at 4952 NE 184th St. and installed a new service for address 4111 NE 186th St. We have added a new customer at address 18215 47th Pl NE. Field staff continues to replace aged water meters. Our vactor unit is in need of a repair. We continue to make time for group tours of the McKinnon Creek Well field. Another one is scheduled for June 16th at 3:00 pm.
King County is renting a hydrant meter for watering along the Burke Gilman Trail this summer.

Engineer’s Report –

Source and Supply Improvements in WHPA- With the legislative budget delays, the State PWTF funding is put on hold temporarily.

PWTF 2016- Waiting on legislative funding to confirm our loan, we are one of the few accepted projects on the acceptance list.

SCADA Improvements- Not covered.

NE 180th- Completed, Board motion to accept the work and instructed Dan to prepare a Resolution to ratify at the next Board Meeting.

Draft Water System Plan Presentation- There was a discussion regarding a work session for Board members to spend more time reviewing the Water System Plan. Staff was directed to organize a date and time.

Executive Session
The Chairman called an executive session for an approximate length of 45 minutes at 10:47 AM for the purpose of reviewing with counsel pending and potential litigation per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and performance of a public employee per RCW 42.30.110(1)(g). At 11:28 AM the executive session was recessed and Mr. Jonson left the meeting. The Chairman announced that the executive session was extended for an additional 15 minutes for the performance review of the General Manager. At 11:45 AM the executive session was temporarily recessed and the Chairman announced an extension of the executive session for an additional 15 minutes for the same purpose. At 12:03 PM the executive session concluded and the regular session of the meeting was reconvened.

A motion to increase the General Manager’s salary by 2% effective March 1st 2015 pursuant to the terms of the General Manager’s employment agreement and to recognize 70% of the performance award amount set forth in 2014 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

2015 General Manager performance award criteria was discussed.

Mr. Hammond exits meeting at 12:11 PM.

Open Discussion – A discussion was held on succession planning.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:32 PM.






JUNE 30, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, David Hammond

Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Steve Mundall, I.T.

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office and website more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 5:43 PM at the District Office.

New Business:

Draft Scope of Work; McKinnon Watershed Evaluation: A brief discussion was held. The Board would like legal counsel and would have interest in another sit down meeting with the City of Lake Forest Park.

Draft Water System Plan Review: A discussion was held at length in regard to edits and formatting of the Draft Water System Plan Review.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.





JULY 14, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer.

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 8:02 AM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and all of the Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 6/8 and 6/22/2015 against King County warrant reports. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of June Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 114935-114978 in the amount of $135,854.30 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Richard Jonson enters the meeting at 8:22 AM

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the June 17th and June 30th 2015 Special Meeting Minutes were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- Mr. Kerley reported that an interlocal agreement with the City of LFP has been sent to the City but yet to be returned to District signed. There are emails confirming language of the document. District is still awaiting a response. Work proceeds this weekend 7/17/2015-7/19/2015. Mr. Kerley will be onsite when our piping is installed across Bothell Way NE.

NE 178th St- Mr. Kerley reported that an interlocal agreement with the City of LFP has been sent to the City on this project as well, but yet to be returned to District signed. There are emails confirming language of the document. District is still awaiting a response. Mr. Kerley is onsite at this project at Brookside Elementary making sure our customers are without water for as little time as possible.

Abandoned/Unused Wells- The work to abandon these wells is expected to proceed on 8/17/2015. The City’s abandoned well in Horizon View will be done around the same time. The well driller will ensure the work done is to DOE standards and with their input.

Mr. Mundall enters meeting at 9:53 AM.

Draft Scope of Work; City of LFP McKinnon Watershed Evaluation- No new document to review since 6/25/2015. There has been no contact from City staff regarding any new edits to the document. Commissioners expressed concern that a meeting would be appropriate regarding any proposed participation by District.

New Business

Advisory Committee Charter- The latest charter for a proposed advisory committee was presented, reviewed and changes were made. A motion was made, discussion followed to accept the Advisory Committee Charter as amended. Motion passed unanimously.

Acceptance of Additional Advisory Committee Member- Cheryl Brady’s application to the Advisory Committee was reviewed and by motion she was accepted.

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

Asphalt restoration: Staff and I replaced the temporary patch from the water main leak near 17224 Beach Drive with a permanent asphalt patch and tar seal. This was one of the larger patches that we have done in-house and it looks great.

Water Quality: Staff and I have been closely monitoring our tanks during the hot weather. Some tank skimming, spot disinfection and system flushing has been needed.

The Consumer Confidence Report for 2014 has been completed and notices were sent out to our customers with their bills.

Field staff continues to replace aged water meters.

Engineer’s Report –

Source and Supply Improvements in WHPA- No change.

PWTF 2016- PWTF for 2016 was not funded by the legislature.

NE 180th- Mr. Mundall recommended acceptance of the valve and water main work on 180th. A motion was made, discussion followed regarding Resolution 358 Accepting as Complete the 180th Valve Replacement. Motion passed unanimously.

Executive Session – Tabled

Mr Kerley exits at 12:15 PM.
Mr. Jonson exits at 12:20 PM.

Open Discussion – A discussion was held on PWTF funding and alternative funding. Discussion was also held on system security issues.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM.





AUGUST 13, 2015

Commissioners present: Eli Zehner, David Hammond

Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Members of the Communication and Well Head Protection Committee ( See attached sign in sheet)

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office and website more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 11:30 AM at the McKinnon Creek Well field

Tour of McKinnon Creek Well field: The tour was led by Mr. Kerley. The tour included the low tank and master meter, the sample station, standby power unit, alternate tank for use while the low tank is being cleaned, the pump-house, Deep Well #3, and the shallow wells, along with the location of the right-of-way. The trail route desired by the City and a possible alternate route were also reviewed.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.




AUGUST 17, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 8:07 AM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the July 14th Special Meeting Minutes as edited was moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- Mr. Kerley reported that the 18 inch casing has been installed. End caps are needed for completion of our portion of the project. A 90% completion pay request for our portion has been submitted to the City.

NE 178th St- Mr. Kerley reported that several temporary bypasses have been needed to keep our customers in service. A portion of the new water main is scheduled for pressure testing and purities later this week.

Abandoned/Unused Wells- Mr. Kerley reported that work is scheduled to start today.

Mr. Hammond enters the meeting at 9:05 AM

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and all of the Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 7/2 and 7/20/2015 against King County warrant reports. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of July Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 114979-115033 in the amount of $50,074.09 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Vulnerability Assessment/ Emergency Response- Mr. Kerley reported that some progress has been made as to the form of reporting and contact with neighboring districts. Expectation is completion of a vulnerability assessment before the next board meeting.

McKinnon Watershed Evaluation- On behalf of the City of Lake Forest Park, Aspect Consulting conducted a site visit of our McKinnon Creek Well-field.

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

Support of the NE 178th St. Roadway Improvement Project: There are currently two jumpers in place. Service corporation stops have been added. Increased support by the District due to existing watermain alignment issue. A temporary casing has been installed across the creek.

Bothell Way Casing: Casing is installed at a uniform depth of 4 feet. The contractor currently is using the casing for creek diversion. End caps will be installed when the project nears completion. 90% payout has been submitted by the contractor.

Water Quality: We continue to monitoring our tanks during the hot weather. Staff and I took the High Tank out of service, cleaned and disinfected it and put it back in service on the same day in late July. Staff and I also did a complete tank refresh up at Horizon View.

Watermain leak: Leak was on steel watermain near address 17534 Ballinger Way NE. No permanent surfaces needed to be removed and the area is restored.

Abandoned/ Unused Wells: Small Works Construction Contract is signed and work will begin August 17th. Applications for abandonment and notice of work start has been submitted to D.O.E. Staff and I have done some vegetation removal to provide access for the drill rig. A limb on a maple tree that is on the hillside needs to be removed as it is directly over the 12” casing. Tree removal contractors have been contacted. Hokkaido Drilling will begin work on the 3” and 8” casings in the meantime.

The District is currently looking to employ a part-time field worker.

On behalf of the City of Lake Forest Park, Aspect Consulting met with me on August 11 for a site visit of the McKinnon Creek Wellfield.

Engineer’s Report – Tabled
Open Discussion – None

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:49 AM.





SEPTEMBER 21, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer.

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 8:05 AM.

Mr. Mundall enters meeting at 8:27 AM.
Mr. Jonson enters meeting at 8:35 AM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and all of the Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 8/10 and 8/25/2015 against King County warrant reports. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of August Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 115034-115086 in the amount of $56,949.62 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the August 13, 2015 Special Meeting, and August 17th 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Donahue exited the meeting at 8:42 AM
Mr. Donahue reentered the meeting at 8:53 AM

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- Item covered in G.M. Report.

NE 178th St- Item covered in G.M. Report.

Abandoned/Unused Wells-
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board issued final acceptance of the work and authorized release of the retainage pursuant to statutory requirements.
Construction details were covered in G.M. Report.
Vulnerability Assessment/Emergency Response Plan-

Executive Session
The Chairman called an executive session for an approximate length of 15 minutes at 9:08 AM for the purpose of discussing with counsel litigation issues pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and to review a draft water system vulnerability assessment which is protected from public disclosure under RCW 42.56.420.

At 9:32 AM the executive session concluded and the regular session of the meeting was reconvened.

Credit Card Options-
Options were discussed involving credit card payments for LFPWD customers. Board requested staff to continue research and to bring a proposal back to the Board.

New Business

Advisory Committee Suggestions- Board was updated regarding Advisory Committee interest in testing storm water runoff into McKinnon creek, interest in a Watershed Watch Program, and the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) work being done. The Committee is looking for some direction regarding implementation of a Watch Program. Board members suggested speaking to Police Chief Sutton regarding any existing watch program. The idea of a refrigerator magnet sent out to neighboring home owners was discussed as well as after hour response from police when neighbors see suspicious activity, tampering is suspected or trespass is observed; Board is looking for some design ideas by staff or Committee on the magnet. The Water Runoff Study was discussed as to scope. Board directed staff to inform the Committee that offering suggestions and strategies about storm water quality would be appropriate in the report. CARA work was discussed; Advisory Committee member Tracy Furutani in cooperation with NSCC student coursework is preparing to assess the soils around our aquifer recharge area. The Board expressed its appreciation to the hard work the Advisory Committee is providing to the District. Their work is greatly appreciated.

Possible Special Meeting
A discussion was held. No Special Meeting was scheduled.

Meeting Schedule
A discussion was held about the possibility of moving the regularly scheduled Board Meeting to the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm. Staff was instructed to prepare a Resolution for Board consideration at the next regular meeting.

Mr. Hammond exited the meeting at 11:06 AM.

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

Support of the NE 178th St. Roadway Improvement Project: There is currently one jumper in place. The new water main West of 37th Ave NE has been tested for pressure and purities and the customers have been switched over.

The contractor has installed the new fish culvert and restoration and backfilling is underway. The 8” and 2” water main installation above the culvert will begin the week of September 28th. Lake Ballinger was drained resulting in large amount of runoff that damaged the work.

Bothell Way Casing: One end cap is installed.

Water Quality: We had a Non-Acute Coliform MCL violation for August. The required notice has been sent out to our customers and to the State DOH. Staff and I once more drained the high tank and cleaned and disinfected it. Routine sampling for September is complete with no violation.

Abandoned/ Unused Wells: Staff and I put in a rock access road to the 12” casing. The casing near well one was 70’ deep, much shallower than we expected. Work is completed.
Wind Storm/Power Outage: The windstorm that we had in late August took out the power at McKinnon and Horizon View and we had several close calls with fallen trees at McKinnon. We were prepared with plenty of fuel for the generator and the backup batteries for the telemetry system performed as expected.

The District is currently looking to employ a part-time field worker.

Engineer’s Report – Mr. Mundall reported the following:

Source and Supply Improvements in WHPA ( PWTF 2013): A wetland delineation study that is required for permitting has been scheduled.

SCADA Upgrades: No change

Water System Plan: Majority of the work is complete. Financial section still needs completion. Discussion followed on inclusion of security improvements in CIP, the timing of the improvements and how they should be financed. Part 9, in draft, to be circulated prior to Oct. 9.

Open Discussion – None.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 AM.




OCTOBER 19, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Eric Strom; Julie Hungar, Advisory Committee Members .

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 8:10 AM.

Mr. Strom enters the meeting at 8:31 AM
Mr. Jonson enters meeting at 8:37 AM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and all of the Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 9/4, 9/8 and 9/21/2015 against King County warrant reports. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account reports against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of September Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 115087-115128 in the amount of $46,276.50 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the September 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing- No Change.

NE 178th St- Mr. Kerley reported that the contractor was working in the area above the culvert; water main installation East of 37th Ave NE has not begun.

Abandoned/Unused Wells- Mr. Kerley reported that final payment has been made to the contractor.

New Business

Key Assignments
New Keys were assigned to District staff and commissioners. Staff updated the Key Assignment Log.

Resolution 359
A motion was made and duly seconded. Motion to pass Resolution 359, which changes the date and meeting time of Regularly Scheduled Meetings to the third Wednesday of each month, 6:00 pm, at the District office. The motion passed unanimously.

Draft Water System Plan
A brief discussion was held and it was agreed that a Special Meeting for further review and discussion of the Draft Water System Plan was needed. Discussion was deferred until Mr. Mundall arrived.

Possible Special Meeting
A Special Meeting was scheduled for Saturday October 24th 2015 at 8:00 AM for the purpose of Board review of the Draft Water System Plan.

Mr. Mundall enters meeting at 9:33 AM.

Advisory Committee Suggestions-
Mr. Strom and Mrs. Hungar reported on Advisory Committee discussions. The Advisory Committee recommends that the District form or participate in a crime watch program to prevent vandalism and unauthorized entry in and around our wellfields and facilities.

Discussion was held.

Mr. Kerley reported that he is meeting with Chief Sutton from the LFPPD next week. The Board directed staff to continue to repair the sections of fence that unknown persons continue to damage to gain access to the McKinnon Creek Wellfield and to improve the security and signage at the entrances to the McKinnon Creek Wellfield.

Mr. Strom gave an overview of the McKinnon Creek Water Runoff Study. He has also been involved in gathering water quality samples from Lyon and McAlleer Creeks and would like to begin gathering data on McKinnon Creek and City of Lake Forest Park storm runoff into McKinnon Creek Well Field Area as there appears to be none at this time. He noted that the shallow wells were susceptible to contamination occurring at the ground level and distinguished them from the deep, sealed wells at Horizon View. He recommended that the source water of the shallow wells be studied.

Discussion was held.

Mr. Hammond exited the meeting at 11:12 AM.

The Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) work that has been proposed by Tracy Furutani and in cooperation with NSCC student coursework needs a ROW permit from the City of Brier. There was a motion in support of the CARA work by Mr. Furutani, authorizing permitting expense pending engagement by a licensed hydrogeologist and authorizing the General Manager to engage a licensed hydrogeologist to consult with regard to the study. Mr. Kerley stated the cost would be kept within his spending authority and the mrsc roster would be used for Ch. 39.80 RCW compliance. The motion was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

The Board expressed its appreciation to the hard work the Advisory Committee is providing to the District. Their work is greatly appreciated.

Mrs. Hungar exited the meeting at 11:36 AM.

Mr. Strom exited the meeting at 11:38 AM

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

Support of the NE 178th St. Roadway Improvement Project: The contractor has not begun installation of the 8” future or the 2” water main East of 37th Ave NE.

Bothell Way Casing: No change.

Abandoned/ Unused Wells: Final payment has been made to the contractor.

1st reminder notices for backflow assembly testing has gone out.

The District has hired a part-time field worker. Melissa Biegenwald joins our field staff team. Melissa has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and is looking forward to working here at the District.

Staff and I upsized a service from ¾ inch to 1 inch at 4712 Shore Place.

Patty and I continue to work on the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Update.

Engineer’s Report – Mr. Mundall reported the following:

Comprehensive System Plan 2015

Several important revisions and edits were completed over the past month toward a final internal review: Edits include:
1. Revisions to Capital Improvement Plan and Financial Plan to update through the end of 2014, and to include security improvements as requested by the Commissioners. Input was received from Peninsula Financial Consulting (PFC) that made the rate needs analysis current through the end of C.Y. 2014.
2. Edits to Appendices to update to 2015.
3. Calculation of SDC (System Development Charge) for District according to RCW procedures.
4. Calculation of GASB 34 evaluation of District assets as required.
5. Edits to Executive Summary as required
6. Compile and print document for internal review

Ms. Cornaby exits at 11:50 AM.

Discussion at length followed on items 3 and 4.

Mr. Jonson exits at 12:24 PM.
Discussion on items 3 and 4 continued.

PWTF 2013 – McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Relocation

Plans are now complete for re-submission to the City of Lake Forest Park although we are still awaiting the results of a wetland delineation study requested by the City. This is being done by “The Watershed Company” and we expect results in the next two weeks. When this is received the package will be re-submitted to the City.

Open Discussion – None.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:03 PM.






OCTOBER 24, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, David Hammond

Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office and website more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 8:02 AM at the District Office.

Board Review LFPWD Draft Water System Plan: A discussion was held at length in regard to edits and formatting of the Draft Water System Plan.

Mr. Hammond exited the meeting at 9:37 AM.

Edits and clarifications were earmarked and given to the General Manager with instruction to work with Mr. Mundall to make the changes.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:51 PM.




NOVEMBER 18, 2015


Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Patty Cornaby, Administrative Assistant; Dan Mundall, Engineer

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 6:01 PM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda with the additions of Insurance Carrier and SAO Entrance Conference items to New Business was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed.

Mr. Hammond enters at 6:14 PM.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and all of the Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 10/8 and 10/24/2015 against King County warrant reports. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account reports against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Approval of September Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 115129-115184 in the amount of $50,799.64 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Mundall exits at 6:25 PM.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the October 19 Regular and October 24 2015 Special Board Meeting Minutes were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Culvert Crossing: An update was given by Mr. Kerley.

NE 178th St: See GM Report.

Mr. Mundall re-enters at 6:42 PM

Brightwater Tunnel Monitoring Wells
Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he had tasked staff with interpreting and tracking the data that the District receives from King County. Mr. Mundall stated that King County gives the District reduced and compiled data instead of the raw data that the District would prefer. The Board directed staff to correspond with King County on this matter.

Ms. Cornaby enters 7:15 PM.

Draft Water System Plan Review
Discussion was held in regard to the Board requested edits from the October 24th Special Meeting. Discussion continued in detail on Part Nine of the plan. The Board directed staff and counsel to prepare a Resolution that will set forth changes to the General Facilities Charge and the monthly Capital Improvement Charge. Mr. Jonson discussed the requirements of the connection charge statute. The Board concurred that the General Facilities Charge would not take into account the estimated cost of future facilities and, therefore, will be adjusted based only on costs of existing improvements.

New Business

Proposed Motion to Approve LFPWD Draft Water System Plan for Public and Agency Review

Employee Recognition and Year in Review Banquet
A discussion was held in regard to locations and dates for the District’s annual Employee Recognition and Year in Review Banquet.

Mr. Kerley informed the Board that he has scheduled a representative from Enduris to come in and present a liability and property insurance proposal to the Board at the January 2016 regular Board Meeting.

SAO Entrance Conference
A discussion was held. The Board concurred that the District should elect to hold an Entrance Conference with the SAO on the upcoming procedural audit for 2013 and 2014 and that Commissioner Hammond, as treasurer, will represent the Board at the conference.

General Manager’s Report Mr. Kerley reported on the following:

Support of the NE 178th St. Roadway Improvement Project: The contractor has not begun installation of the 8” future or the 2” watermain East of 37th Ave NE.

Bothell Way Casing: No change.

We have a new customer at 4115 NE 186th St.

2nd reminder notices for backflow assembly testing has gone out.

Water Quality: We had a Non-Acute Coliform MCL violation for October. The problem seems to be isolated to a single sample station. Staff and I took the sample station out of service. We then disassembled, sanitized and took additional samples. The samples came back negative and the station has been returned to service. The required notice will be sent out to our customers and to the State DOH.

Our annual water main flushing will occur November 16 through December 11th, 2015. Notice has been sent out to our Next Door account, posted on our website and sent out to our email subscribers.

Staff and I have begun installing the new signage at our facilities.

City of LFPPD Chief Sutton has sent out a notification to the Block Watch Captains that are near our wellfields.

Emergency Response Plan Update: Near completion

We had a power outage at the McKinnon Creek Wellfield on November 11 th. The cause was a tree limb on the line. Staff ran the generator for about an hour.

Eight water availability requests have come in the last 2 weeks.

Engineer’s Report – Mr. Mundall reported the following:

Comprehensive System Plan 2015

Several important revisions and edits were completed over the past month toward a final internal review: Edits include:
1. Revisions to Capital Improvement Plan and Financial Plan to update through the end of 2014, and to include security improvements as requested by the Commissioners. Input was received from Peninsula Financial Consulting (PFC) that made the rate needs analysis current through the end of C.Y. 2014.
2. Edits to Appendices to update to 2015.
3. Calculation of SDC (System Development Charge) for District according to RCW procedures.
4. Calculation of GASB 34 evaluation of District assets as required.
5. Edits to Executive Summary as required
6. Compile and print document for internal review
Discussion followed regarding additional changes and the Board concurred that that the plan document needs additional revision. The plan document will be edited and reviewed further and the Board will determine at the next regular meeting whether it is ready for submission, in draft form, to DOH, King County and the City of Lake Forest Park.

PWTF 2013 – McKinnon Creek Pumphouse Relocation

Plans are now complete for re-submission to the City of Lake Forest Park although we are still awaiting the results of a wetland delineation study requested by the City. This is being done by “The Watershed Company” and we expect results in the next two weeks. When this is received the package will be re-submitted to the City.

Open Discussion – None.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.




NOVEMBER 25, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, David Hammond

Others present: LFPWD: Amanda Robinson and Simon LI, SAO ; F. Alan Kerley, General Manager

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office and website more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 7:01 AM at the District Office.

Entrance Conference with the State Auditor’s Office: The audit scope and details were presented by Ms. Robinson and Mr. Li from the State Auditor’s Office. Mr. Kerley reminded the auditors that the District and the SAO have an agreement in place that if the District has two consecutive satisfactory audits it will move into a three year audit review period instead of a two year period.

Ms. Robinson and Mr. Li exited the meeting at 7:35 AM.

Board Review LFPWD Draft Water System Plan: A discussion was held in regard to edits and formatting of the Draft Water System Plan.

Edits and clarifications were earmarked and given to the General Manager with instruction to work with Mr. Mundall to make the changes.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 AM.




DECEMBER 16, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, Dave Hammond.

Others present: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Dick Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Tracy Furtani, Advisory Committee; Members of the General Public

Call to Order
The meeting was held at the District office and was called to order by President Zehner at 6:08 PM.

Approval of Agenda
Approval of the agenda with the addition of SAO Exit Conference item to New Business was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed.

Open Discussion

Tracy Furtani introduced himself to the Board. A discussion was held in regard to potential hydrogeology research that his students at North Seattle Community College may provide assistance with.

New Business

Proposed Motion to Approve LFPWD Draft Water System Plan for Public and Agency Review
A motion to approve release and distribution of the Draft Water System Plan for Public and Agency Review was moved and duly seconded. Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.

Resolution 360

Mr. Kerley presented a proposed Consolidated Rate Schedule and resolution to adopt. Lengthy discussion followed about the District’s capital improvement needs and the monthly capital improvement fee. The Commissioners unanimously concluded that the District must increase its capital fund balance in order to replace old and outdated water system infrastructure. The schedule was reviewed, edited and finalized. Resolution 360 a Resolution increasing Capital Improvement Fees and re-adopting an updated Consolidated Rate Schedule as finalized was moved and duly seconded. Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.

State Auditor’s Office Exit Conference
A Discussion was held on possible dates and times for an exit conference with the SAO. The Board would prefer to schedule it in conjunction with the next regular Board Meeting.

Upon motion duly made, seconded and passed, the Meeting recessed at 6:52 PM to be reconvened as noted below. Notice of the relocation of the meeting was posted at the District office and new location.

The Board President reconvened the Meeting at Spiro’s Pizza and Pasta (18411 Aurora Ave. N Shoreline) at 7:15 PM

Employee Recognition and Year in Review Banquet
A presentation was given by Mr. Kerley and Mr. Mundall reviewing District projects and accomplishments during 2015. Recognition of the outstanding employees, commissioners and contract specialists of Lake Forest Park Water District was given by Mr. Kerley and members of the Board.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.




DECEMBER 16, 2015

Commissioners present: William Donahue, Eli Zehner, David Hammond

Others present: LFPWD: F. Alan Kerley, General Manager; Richard Jonson, Attorney; Dan Mundall, Engineer; Tracy Furtani, Advisory Committee

Notice of the meeting, which included the agenda items, was distributed to the Commissioners and posted at the LFPWD District office and website more than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Eli Zehner at 5:07 PM at the District Office.

Mr. Hammond compared and verified Maintenance and Capital Fund Voucher totals certified on 11/9/2015 & 11/18/2015 against warrants drawn on such funds. Mr. Hammond compared and verified deposits reported on the Customer Receipts Deposit Account report against the deposits received amount shown on the District’s bank statement. Mr. Hammond reported that all totals were reconciled to the bank statement and King County reports.

Mr. Jonson enters the meeting at 5:20 PM

Mr. Mundall enters the meeting at 5:27 PM

Mr. Donahue enters the meeting at 5:28 PM

Approval of November Vouchers
The Commissioners completed their review of expense vouchers presented for payment and found that the vouchers were supported by adequate documentation. Approval of vouchers 115185-115231 in the amount of $54,355.46 was moved and duly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of the November 18th and November 23rd Special Meeting Minutes as edited were moved and duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Bothell Way Casing: No change. Mr. Kerley was requested to contact the City regarding billing of the District’s share of the work.

NE 178th St.: Discussion about extension of 8” future water main.

Brightwater Tunnel Monitoring Wells: Mr. Kerley updated the Board on recent work. A letter will be prepared to request raw data from the monitoring wells.

General Manager’s Report

Support of the NE 178th St. Roadway Improvement Project: The contractor has installed the 8” future and the 2” water main East of 37th Ave NE. The 2” waterman has been pressure and purity tested. It is now active and our customers have been switched over. The temporary water main has been disassembled and removed from the site.

The City of Lake Forest Park has added geo grid and extra paving depth to a large portion of the project to the East of the new box culvert. Restoration to like kind if we were to construct to the 8” ductile future through this area would be costly. Four more sticks of ductile (72’) and a 1” future service line were added to the job. The added work was time sensitive and I will ask the Board to ratify my decision to extend the 8” future when invoicing comes in.

Bothell Way Casing: Complete. Awaiting invoicing.

Annual water main flushing is near completion. Cold weather and the recent wet weather has caused some minimal delay. Flushing should be complete December 15th.

Final reminder notices for backflow assembly testing has been mailed.

A newsletter/ DOH public notice was mailed in early December.

Emergency Response Plan Update: Patty is making some format changes
and incorporating Washington State Dept. of Health recommendations.

Tanner MaWhinney has been re-hired to help out in the field on a temporary basis.

Engineer’s Report – Discussion.

Draft Comprehensive Water System Plan: Mr. Mundall gave a brief summary of the recent changes and edits.

Source and Supply Improvements in WHPA (PWTF 2013): Mr. Mundall gave an update as to the status and timeline for permitting and our land use variance hearing. SEPA checklist to be prepared. Mr. Mundall was requested to ask for expedited review so that the project could be put out to bid early next year.

SCADA Upgrades: No change.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:08 PM.