

Paperless Statement Enrollment PAYMENT INFO Enrolling in Paperless Statements allows you to receive your bills and other important communication from Lake Forest Park Water District electronically via email.  This feature does not include provisions for online payment. Your payment can only be made with cash or check, we do not take payments by credit or [...]

2020-07-06T09:55:07-07:00March 8th, 2018|Comments Off on Paperless

Customer Information

Customer Information If you aren't sure if you are served by us, you can look up your address in the following form. If it isn't listed in the database, then you are not a customer and should check this map to find out who your water provider is. Address Your Bill Billing is bi-monthly. Water [...]

2011-01-27T02:22:12-08:00January 27th, 2011|0 Comments


Water Use Efficiency: (Resolution 334) Lake Forest ParkWater District is subject to the new Municipal Water Law that is regulated by Washington State Department of Health (DOH).  DOH has implemented regulations (Water Use Efficiency Rules) that are intended to decrease the amount of water use within a water purveyor’s service area to minimize [...]

2018-02-20T09:46:08-08:00October 15th, 2008|Comments Off on Policies


LAKE FOREST PARK WATER DISTRICT RATE SCHEDULE Proposed 2025 Rate Changes Budget and Revenue Projections for 2025 were reviewed by the LFPWD Board of Commissioners at the December 18th Special Board Meeting. A discussion was held on current rates and the revenue requirements needed by the District for 2025. To fully fund operating costs, an [...]

2024-12-30T13:54:37-08:00December 4th, 2006|Comments Off on Rates


Water Source The water supplied to customers in LFPWD is normally sourced from wells within the district. Five deep wells provide the bulk of supply, and eight shallow artesian wells provide supplemental supply.  In case of extreme fire situations we also have emergency connections with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) and Northshore Utilites (NUD), however this [...]

2024-06-28T13:45:12-07:00December 4th, 2006|0 Comments